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Stefan 🥵

my head is trying to kill me
im convinced

You decided to drink a whole bottle
of Vodka, can you blame it

You guys allowed me to drink Vodka !?
Please tell me I didn't do the thing

Oh yes, you did
And everyone has a video it
Let me just tell you
It was quite a show

I hate you all
I did the whole routine ?

The hair flip, the pointing, you did it all lol

I'm never showing my face again

It wasn't that bad,
at least no one has a video
of when you fainted from
all the drinking
Now THAT would've been bad

I figured, can you thank
Ty for taking me home
I would but I don't want to 🙂

About that
Tyler didn't take you home

Whoever did, Thank them for me 🙂

Damon did
Please don't be upset

Excuse me
I was just washing my skin with disinfectant

Well Tyler was going to but then
Alaric fainted too

Okay what About Matt and Jeremy ?

They were working Bonnie and
Caroline couldn't grab him
so Tyler did and I was going to grab you


Stop interrupting me

I'm sorry 😭 Keep going

Elena and Damon walked in and spotted us.

Oh ok

Elena wanted to talk to me but I told her I
was busy because I had to take you home
so Damon offered  instead

Doesn't he know I hate him 😐

Clearly his brain wasn't working
Anyways, we ALL said no
but Elena told me it was important
and Damon was our only option
so we just let him take you. I made
sure he took you home though,
I checked up on you after Elena and I spoke

They walked in together ?

Yeah, I'm sorry Elaine
My brothers an asshole

It's okay
My sisters a whore

Woah 😕😕

Sorry, I know you hate when
people talk trash about precious Elena 🙄

It's not that

Then whaa ?

it's just that you
and Elena had such a good bond
and Damon ruined it

Yeah he played a part, but it's
not entirely his fault

What do you mean?

She made a choice to sleep
w/ him and to lie to me about it.
She is just as guilty as he is.

That was such a mature
thing of you to say

I know, it felt gross


Want to know a secret?


After Damon and I broke up and
I moved to Canada, I wondered
what would have happened if you
and I had gone out instead

Want to know something?
Me too

Really ?

Yeah, something about you drew me
in and I was so upset when I found
out about you and Damon
But it wasn't my place to say anything

Cause you were dating my sister


You know, i had a huge crush on you
I thought it was crazy to have a crush on a 17 year old kid 😂

lol you're crazy

What are you doing in 30 minutes?

Nothing so far why

Let's do something, I'm bored and this
hangover is not about to
make me stay inside

Pick you up at 5?

Sound great, see you then Steffy

Dont call me that

Byeee Steffy 🥰

Read 3:49 PM


I'm sorry I haven't been publishing

School is hectic
my nonexistent love life is hectic
and i'm going to be broke all year with all the spending I have to do

and these chapters suck extreme ass but I'll do better, promise 🙂

On another note, I ate some bomb ass tomato soup but I'll still hungry and all I have is $1 cash and $2 in my card but I don't want to get up cause then I'm going to lose the comfortable position I'm in and sorry for wasting your tile


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