Tag #8

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Honestly there are a bunch of tags I gotta do so straight on point...wait...who tagged me?

Dam! I messed up.


Relationship Status: Pringle! That's single, but hungry.

Favourite Colours:

Blue, Black, Red, Emerald Green and...Silver.

Lipstick or Chapstick?
Neither..but if I had to choose, Chapstick.

Three favourite foods:
Lamb chops

Song Stuck in my head:
Ghost of You by 5 Seconds of Summer

Last song I listened to:
Love by Imagine Dragons

Last movie I watched:
La la land

What's the time?
4:27 PM IST

Top three shows:

>>Young Sheldon
>>Marvel's Runaways

Books I'm currently reading:
Well there's a bunch -

>>Hunger by Michael Grant
>>The Enemy by Charlie Hugson
>>The Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Claire

And I'm waiting for Queen of Air and Darkness to come out.

Last thing I googled?
Does drinking gasoline make you permanently blind?

Don't ask...We were just super bored.

No. Of blankets I sleep with?
Considering it's winters where I live, two, otherwise one.

Dream trip?
I want to visit Australia and Europe with my family and friends..

I know they're in two different hemispheres and stuff but who cares.

Anything you want?

>>A life.


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