Tag #6

15 4 1

I got tagged by 5sosie_ for the 14 facts tag.

1. I like collecting stories. People tell me their stories and I like keeping them. It's like an own little book of untold stories.

2. I hate One Direction. Most people who like 5sos seem to like one direction, well I don't. Idk why. I just have never liked them. I sing their songs at times but I haven't ever been a fan of them.

3. I love beetles. They're all of different colours and sizes. It always triggers my curiosity.

4. I'm absolutely anti-social. If any of you guys can help me, please do. Ask @Tantarts, I'm hopelessly antisocial.

5. Although I love all four, my favourite in 5sos is Ashton. He has legendary drumming skills and I think I've finally found an idol in him.

6. People think I am a naive little innocent girl, but in reality, I'm a bad girl who hasn't been caught yet. (Reply who got the reference)

7. I really really want to learn drums.

8. My left arm is shorter than my right.

9. I'm a spiritual healer.

10. I can talk to cuckoos.

11. I want to get a lip piercing and two more ear piercings.

12. I want to get a lot of tattoos.

13. I want to become a pilot.

14. I can sing. Lmao..I guess you knew that.

Well....tag time!


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