Blobs, Knights, and Confusion

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My ice cream melted.

Oh, that and my brother was dead.

But no fear! I performed hypothesees on him, and boom, he unfroze.

"Thank you so much!" He exclaimed with a smile. But then his smile quickly turned into a sneer. "Now I can freeze you all!!"

My brother sucks.

Anyway, my mama dinosaur protected me and tried to fight the tiny mothertrucker off. Then, something happened.

My brother turned into a huge, black blobish monster and my mother turned into a freakishly hot knight in shining armor.

The dude who was once my mother had a sword.

No, not that kind of sword. You pervert.

He was fighting off the brotherblobmonsterthing and in fear, I hid behind him, protecting myself.

Oh, by the way, I can fly now.


I don't know what happened next. Maybe the hot dude died (necrophilia is legal, right?). Maybe the scary blob thing died. Maybe they became friends. Maybe more than friends.

I don't know.

I woke up and thought, "What the literal fuck just happened?"

Then, I checked all the buckets in my house to make sure there's no creepy doll children in there. I fed all my dolls to the wolves. I burned all my fishing supplies. I threw anything dinosaur-related out my window. I yelled at my dad for letting someone kidnap me and better yet put me in a damn bucket.

I'm just kidding; I did none of those things. I'm too lazy. I probably just went back to sleep.

That's it. Happy nightmares! ♡

A Dinosaur Stole My Bucket of ChildrenWhere stories live. Discover now