Chapter Twenty One:

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Hi guys, it was my mum's birthday! So there will be a DOUBLE update. Plus, I will post the first chapter of Can You Hear Me? Yayy! I just love birthdays, it's mine soon.

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I giggled at Tiffany as we got ready and planning on the doing we are creating for music class. 

"So what about I found my chance just wait and you will see?" She pondered.  I nodded grinning,

"Shall we meet up later to finish it, we have a good 9 days until the show?" I asked. 

"Sure." She shrugged


"So I guess we're done!" I chirped happily.

"Finally! Lets go for food! On the way,  can you tell me about that thing you were meant to tell me?"

We walked down the halls as I nattered on about the movie marathon and everyone asleep then about the phone and the message.

"So there was a unknown number saying that!?" She asked shocked I nodded.

'What should I do?" I told her feeling stressed. Is he cheating? Am I suddenly not good enough?  I shook my head trying to get rid of the bad thoughts.

"I have an app that can trace phone numbers and find out about the person." I nodded processing what she said.

"Do it, I will grab my phone and we can meet at the tree tonight during dinner." I said. We grabbed our food and walked over to the table where El and the boys where at. Niall smiled at me as I sat down. Tiffany was ready to walk away but o gripped het wrist and sat her in between me an Zayn.

"Stay? Please?" I plead desperately needing her to go along with my lead. Her eyes flashed a knowing look and perched herself next to me.

"Hey I'm Tiffany." She said holding her hand out for Zayn.

"H-h-hey! I'm Zayn." He said whilst stuttering and Blushing

Wait he ACTUALLY BLUSHED?! Well daymmn you get some Tiff.

~ Tiffany's P.O.V ~

I hope Diana finds out who it was. I was talking to Zayn about it and he said he said it was strange. 

I was walking back from science when I dropped my books. I brushed away a loose strand of hair out of the way then I bent down to pick up my books.

"Oh Tiffany here, let me help you." Zayn said running towards me. I smiled and looked down blushing.

"Thanks Z-Zayn call me Tiff." I grinned at him as his eyes sparkled with joy.

"Well Tiff, here you go. But before you leave can I help you find the number?" He asked.

"Sure, me and Di could use the help."

- Dinner Time -

》Diana's P.O.V 《

I walked past the table full of all my friends. Me and Tiff think that one of them could of sent the message. I ignore them calling me and walked to the table in the corner.

Tiffany and Zayn walked in and I stood up. "Guys! Over here." They nodded and hurried towards me and took a seat.

"Right Zayn knows." she said and I nodded.

"Lets start? I think the others are getting curious." Zayn said worried

"Okay I will get the app up then you will put Niall's number in the first box then the unknown number in the other box." she said. I nodded and took the phone and done as she said then handed the phone back.

"Great it's almost done. I just nedd to hit enter when you're ready." she smiled.

"I'm ready." I said.

He he he hehe your going to hate me after the next chapter ;) °• Lily •° ☆★

Diana °•Niall Horan AU•° {Book 1/4}Where stories live. Discover now