Chapter Thirty Five:

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Hey guys, Lily is back! Woo, thank you for 330+ views on the prologue on this story.  Eeep, but fortunately this the last chapter of Diana muhaha.  - ;)- Lily Xx

Diana's P.O.V-

I was cuddled up all alone on the couch, It's literally all I do besides being with. I let the warmth of my tea flow down my throat making me relax. Niall and Greg are still asleep. Greg never got back until 10:30 and I went to bed ten minutes later to let them catch up.

I picked up the remote and flipped through the channels. I stopped on an old episode of Friends and left it on while I went to the kitchen to get some more food. I grabbed some oreos and my laptop  wHhich was on the table and walked back to the couch and sat back in position with my laptop. I opened my emails and saw I had none, phew.

I flipped the channel and the news came on but then switched to a commercial. I groaned loudly and heard a chuckle from behind making me turn sharply to see Niall laughing at me.

"Having fun?" He teased.

"Tons." I said. He sat next to me and turned the news back on.

"Chris who was arrested eighteen years ago for a robbery was released and admitted to hospital after a police officer drugged his drink. He was discharged later that week only to find he had escaped. We strongly advise you stay inside at all times at n-" the presenter started but I turned the TV off.

"Why did you turn it off?" He asked and I shrugged.

"I don't need to hear about some physco running about the streets. I've got my own problems and I don't need my brain having that stuck in it!" I said annoyed. Yeah so that was pretty bad but there's more important things to document than a thirty seven year old man running around like a kid in a sweet shop.

"Oh your so negative, come outside." He said.

"No!" I whined.

"Yes." He said dragging me out the door.

I was slumped on the couch and he cuddled me into him. Why did he recommend that? I don't like going outside anyway. I shifted positions so I was stretched over the three seater and he was doing the same on the love seat.

"I need to go to work, will you be okay on your own?" Maura asked.

"Yeah, why?" Niall asked.

"Because the last time, you tried to put your jeans in the microwave because you thought they would dry faster but it just blew up the kitchen practically." She said smirking.

"I'm going to Starbucks." Greg said loudly.

"Shocker, you're going out?" Maura gasped dramatically.

"I thought you didn't like people?" She added.

"I don't but I'm bored so I'm going." he said walking out. They left and Niall turned to me smirking.

"Come outside." He said tugging me through the kitchen to the back door.

I walked out in the sun and squinted. Ugh sunlight, I'm more of a night person. He put me in the centre of the garden and looked down at me slightly. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pointed up.

"Look," he said pointing at the rain clouds. "It's going to rain." He said.

"We should get inside, I don't want us to catch a cold." I worried as it started to walk back when he twirled me back to face him and put his hands on my waist.

"Come on, let's just be sick together!" He laughed starting to sway us. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. It started to bounce down as he sang Ed Sheeran's Thinking Out Loud.

Diana °•Niall Horan AU•° {Book 1/4}Where stories live. Discover now