It was good until it lasted.

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I wake up to the light walls of Ian Doyle's bedroom, all I can think how clean and organised this room is, considering he's one of CIA most wanted terrorist and weapons dealer. Although I was on an undercover mission to bring down Ian and his team, I couldn't help but falling for him. My name is Lauren Reynolds. My real name is Emily Prentiss, but Ian only knows me as Lauren. Everything about him makes me feel alive, it's so wrong for me to feel this way, but I cannot help it. I have been here for over 2 years undercover and trying to gather as much information as I could. 13 months ago I found out that the little boy, Declan, was actually Ian's son, not the maid's. He uses the maid as a cover so no one would find out that he has a son, because they would only use Declan against him.
"Hello, love." Ian says in a loving manner.
"Morning, baby" I reply.

Little did we both know, this was it, this was the day the Interpol were going to bring him down. Take me away, play out Lauren's death. Today was going to be the worst day of our lives, mine especially. I knew he was going to be so fucking angry when he finds out that this was all a plan, a mission, two years of our lives were based on lies. I was a dead woman walking. Without a doubt he wouldn't fall for Lauren's death, he knows the game all too well. I wish he accepted my offer 5 months ago to leave, to escape, start fresh. He had asked me to bring Declan as my own, although I would have loved nothing more, I couldn't bring up a child to be a terrorist. I just couldn't.
"Are you ready for breakfast, love?" He asks.
"I'm not hungry, sorry. I think I'm just going to go for a shower then go out to the garden." I say dryly, I just can't shake this gut feeling.

I miss my team back at the BAU, Hotch, JJ, Morgan, Reid, Rossi and definitely Penelope. They have no idea where I am or what I'm up to.  They think I took the unit chief job in London, they probably hate me now since I haven't kept in contact in the past 2 years. I wish I could have, I'd do anything to hear 'wheel's up' just one more time. Soon thought, hopefully.

I love him. I love Ian. I love Ian fucking Doyle. A terrorist, a killer...murderer. This goes against all my traits, my whole career has been focused on catching people like him and put them away, how could I allow myself to feel this way? God, if Clyde ever found out I slept with a terrorist for a profile, he would never look at me. But what did they expect? For me to be Ian's partner for 2 whole years without any sexual contact? Let's be real, I think maybe deep down they expected it anyway, or at least hoped I would have. I regretted it, but it felt so good, he loves me, I know he does, well.. he loves Lauren at least.

I watch him get dressed, I just stare in awe, this will be the last hours we have together and he is totally oblivious to the storm that's going to destroy us. I haven't told the CIA or anybody in fact that Declan is his son, the things they would do to that poor boy just to get information out of Ian, I couldn't do that.

Then it happened, the SWAT team, men with machine guns, FBI, they're all here. This is it.

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