Just a memory

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4 years later

"Morning, Prentiss." Hotch greets me with his usual stern tone.
"Morning, sir. Where are the rest of the team this morning?" I asked.
"Emily, I need a word with you, now."
Uh oh, when Hotch calls me Emily, I know it's serious, usually never good news either.

I stare at Hotch for a few seconds after what he had just said to me. Ian Doyle managed to escape the Korean prison he's been held captive in for four years. Surely he can't know who I am, or he might not have been figured I was undercover and still believed Lauren was dead, although I kind of wish I was right now. Hotch asked me to stay low for a little while until he is caught, although I doubt they will get him. Took the CIA three years to catch him the first time.

It's just past 8am, everyone starts to enter the bullpen. We have one case until I have to 'lay low' for a while. This case is in DC, not far from home, luckily. Three dead women, all raped and tortured, all committed suicide.
"So he tortures these women, rapes them multiple times and makes life so unbearable he actually gives  them a choice to stay alive as his slave or to kill them selves. All three chose to end their lives. Can't wait to find this son of a bitch!" Morgan said angrily, balling his fists wanting to punch something.
"Wheels up in 20." Hotch orders.
I feel paranoid, like somebody is watching me, guilty conscience maybe? Oh I miss him, I miss Ian. His touch, affection, flowers every day and breakfast in bed. He was so sweet to me. God forbid I found out what he is like now.  I hope he never finds me, but how I'd love to stare into those deep blue eyes just once more.

Hotch and JJ are the only ones who knew about Valhalla, the mission's name. Although they don't know the part I played and to what extent I took the part of Lauren, they would never look at me the same again. Especially Hotch, there's always been chemistry between us, but nothing has ever happened, the BAU wouldn't allow it anyway, conflict of interest is frowned upon. My god if Derek ever found out what I did with Doyle, he would be furious. He's so over protective of me, as we are partners.

2 days later
Walking to my car in the lot after one of the hardest case I've ever come across. We found the unsub, saved 2 women, but we failed 3. I hear something coming up behind me, then darkness.
"Hello, Lauren. Or should I say, Emily?"

Ian Doyle.

I wake up chained to a steel bed, in a dark room, no windows and one steel door. He caught me. I'm a dead woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2018 ⏰

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