1. Rough Beginnings

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A/n: First story let's go fams! With RWBY Volume 6 coming on the horizon (the time I posted this) I want to try writing one or in this case type one. First and foremost I do not own RWBY all rights belong to the beautiful people at Rooster Teeth and Monty Oum's creative soul. This story was inspired by the wattpad community for giving me hours of reading material and the RWBY series for providing great entertainment.

Some Random Dude: Stop gushing already and start this s*it!

A/n: Alright geez stop having your panties in a bunch XD

Random Dude: Dick.

A/n: Hey you're not wrong I do have one, and your not denying you are wearing panties so thanks for agreeing with me.

Random Dude: I'm outta here.

A/n: Baii see you later!

Y/n: can we please start?

A/n: okay senpai

Y/n: "rolling eyes"


Y/n POV (16 yrs old)

So this story begins with eating breakfast with my normal family with a smile on my face, and getting ready for my day. Is what I would say if this was just a reader story but you read the title so let's get started with everyone's favorite thing seeing the main character in pain.

A/n: Already breaking the 4th wall?! Oh I better get paid for repairs.

With a loud thud I hit the ground after my body made contact with my bedroom wall because of my father Jack or as I like to call him jackass. All he does is he gets drunk everyday starts yelling at me for no reason and he throws me across the room when he has nothing to do. Also he has this self righteous complex where whatever he says he thinks is right even if it's completely wrong, idiotic or even downright crazy. If you don't believe me just yet listen to this riveting conversation before this occurred if you can even call it that.

Jack: Hey walking turd why you reading books you should be macho like me

Y/n: First of all, you have three layers of fat built up already from the lack of exercise I'm genuinely surprised you are able to stand up right now two maybe I am a turd in terms of personality, but at least I don't smell like one and three some of us are trying to learn and gain intelligence which you definitely don't have.

Jack: Why you little...

As if on cue my father grabs the collar of my shirt and hurls me across my room and I felt my back hitting the wall possibly hearing some bones crack not sure though because I quickly landed face first on the ground. You're probably thinking I shouldn't provoke him like that but even if I do fake being nice he still hates me anyway and besides its more fun this way. Thankfully before he could do anymore the doorbell rang.

Jack: You're really lucky you know that?

Y/n: Trust me I'm well aware.

I begrudgingly pick myself up off the floor and head to the front door and who do I see. Oh it's the twin sl*ts oh sorry my mother and older sister with groceries. 

Marie (mother): Put these in the fridge jerk off and make dinner.

Violet (sister): Hey brother~

As much as I would love to not do this, I do because I want to practice my cooking so I pick up the bags and head to the kitchen. While I start prepping the ingredients I guess I should tell you about the two bi**hes. Yeah there is a lot of profanity if you couldn't tell. Any who my mother Marie when with other people is bubbly and caring towards her husband and my sister but to me she is mean spirited and blames everyone's faults on me even when I'm not in the room. She also owns a little dessert place down the street. It has cookies,cakes, and so much more but do you know who makes all those desserts she sells? ME! Yeah that's right she does not make any of it ,and you would think she would make desserts for buying the place in the first place but no get this she bought it just to make me work more. Now normally I should be okay with this because I love cooking and baking because it's what makes me happy and calm during this crisis of mine. However, my mother lies to all the customers and says SHE made them and steals the recognition I deserve and to top it off she doesn't even thank me for putting effort into these desserts. Keep in mind I'm only 16 and I'm still learning and if I make a mistake she cuts me with a knife. Let me repeat that, she CUTS her own son with a knife and she has no experience in making desserts so how would she know I made a mistake, and she is potentially ending her only source of income logic where are you? So you can see why I don't particularly like my mother.

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