Chapter 8

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A/N: Listen as you read

As he finished, he looked up and saw me, a smile lighting up on his face. He came out of the booth and gave me a big hug.

Daniel: What are you doing here?
Willow: Can we talk?

Daniels POV
She looked nervous, so something must be off.

Daniel: What's up?
She was about to say something, but then paused, looking down. I lifted her chin.
Daniel: Hey, you can tell me anything, you know that right?
Willow: Yeah I know sorry. I'm just worried for what I'm about to say, but here it goes.

She looked up at me with a worried look on her face, and took a deep breath before continuing.

Willow: I like you. Like, a lot. And not in just a friendly way. I know you probably don't feel the same way, and I understand. I just had to let you know. I've been hiding it and it's tearing me apart
Daniel: ...
Willow: Say something please

Willows POV
He stood there staring at me for like 30 seconds. Shit. I knew I shouldn't of done this. I was about to say something more, but before I knew it, his hands were on my head and we were kissing. At first I was shocked, but then I began kissing him back, and let me just say, he's a really good kisser. We stood like that for what felt like forever, but unfortunately people need oxygen, so we separated. He leaned his forehead against mine, and looked into my eyes.

Daniel: I'd be lying if I said I didn't like you too.
He smiled at me, his eyes sparking and blue as ever.
Willow: Did I ever tell you how gorgeous your eyes are?

He blushed, and turned his head away. I put my hand on his chin and pulled him back.

Willow: Don't. You're cute when you blush.

He kissed me again. I pulled away quickly though, a worried look on my face.

Daniels POV
Daniel: What's wrong?
Willow: What are we gonna do about Jonah? If he finds out, he'll kill you.

I laughed
Daniel: Why is he only gonna kill me?
Willow: Well, I'm his baby sister. He could never hurt me.

She smiled up at me with the cutest look on her face, and I kissed her one more time.

Daniel: We'll figure something out. Until then, I guess we'll just have to keep it hidden.
Willow: I hate that though. I've been trying to hide my feelings for so long it's killing me Dani.

Her face fell, and I kissed her nose, trying to comfort her.

Daniel: Well maybe we just need a signal. Like we could rub our noses or something?
Willow: That could just be something you do though. It's too vague. What if could tug our ears? (A/N If you get the reference, you're a real one)
Daniel: Ok. So anytime you need me, just tug your ear, and I'll be there as soon as I can. Deal?

She didn't answer, she just kissed me one final time, before we broke apart.

Willow: So Dani, you almost done recording?
Daniel: I actually have one song left, if you don't mind waiting.
Willow: Of course not! I love hearing you sing.
Daniel: Ok well you can sit here
He motioned to the couch behind us
Daniel: And I'll be done in about 15 mins
Willow: I'll be here

Willows POV
As I watched Dani record, I thought about what just happened. I can't believe I just kissed my best friend. If you would've told me 2 years ago that I would be falling for this boy, I would've laughed right in your face. He smiled at me as he sang, and I let the music take me over. When he finished, we walked out together, hands intertwined. We got in the car, and as we were driving, he placed his hand on my thigh. Not too high, just comfortably.

We got home and making sure none of the boys could see, he kissed me softly before we walked inside. The other boys sat on the couch playing video games. Corbyn saw us first, hand in hand, and he smirked at me. I stepped away, letting go, feeling a blush spread to my cheeks.

Corbyn: Hey guys. Did you get everything done Daniel?
Daniel: Yeah actually. It went great.
Corbyn: How about you Willow? Did you have fun?

I could tell this was his way of asking if I told Dani.

Willow: Yeah. It was great!
Corbyn smiled at me, obviously happy.

We spent the rest of the night just lounging. Knowing I would start cuddling with Daniel if I sat by him, I sat in between Zach and Jack. About halfway through the movie, Zach fell asleep and leaned on my shoulder. Dani looked over at me from the other couch and tugged his ear. Sorry, I mouthed, motioning to Zach. He looked at me with sad eyes, turning back towards the tv. I attempted to enjoy the movie, but I couldn't stop missing him. It was in that moment I knew, this was going to be hard. Really f*cking hard.

Hello beautiful people. Ahhhhhh! I've been waiting so long to post this chapter and I decided it's finally time. It's been so hard but I didn't want to rush anything. I hope you guys enjoy this I know it's not very good but I'm trying my best. Love you all the most💕💕

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