Chapter 9

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The next morning I woke up before the boys, so I decided to make breakfast for everyone. I walked downstairs to see Daniel laying on the couch. As I walked into the living room, I saw he was asleep. I sat next to him and gently rubbed his shoulder.

Willow: Hey Daniel
He rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking at me confused
Daniel: What time is it?
God his morning voice was so sexy
Willow: Like 9:30
Daniel: Where's everyone else?
Willow: They're upstairs still sleeping
Daniel: I guess I never went to bed last night.
Willow: At least you got some sleep though right?
Daniel: Yeah I guess
He half smiled at me
Willow: Are you ok?
Daniel: Not really. You don't know how badly I wanted to come up and lay with you, but I can't. I knew if I went upstairs, I'd end up in your room, so I just stayed down here
Willow: I know how you feel. I debated coming to your room, but I was worried jack would see me, so I didn't sleep that well either.

He smiled at me really cute, tooth gap and all

Willow: What?
Daniel: I really want to kiss you right now
Willow: Well, why don't you?
Daniel: You know why

He looked away, sadness washing away his beautiful smile. Instead of saying something to reassure him, I just leaned over and kissed him. It was short, but sweet. Just what we needed. When we pulled apart, he rested his forehead on mine, and I just looked into his eyes, completely lost in them. I could've stayed like that forever, until we heard footsteps on the stairs. We quickly sprung apart, and turned around to see who it was. It was just jack, thank god

Jack: Did I interrupt something?
He winked at me. God dammit jack
Willow: No we were just talking. I was just about to make waffles, do you want some?
Jack: Sure!

Squeezing Dani's hand before getting up, I walked into the kitchen, Jack following close behind. I started grabbing the ingredients, before jack stopped me, grabbing my hand

Jack: So, how'd it go?
Willow: Well...

I looked away to hide my blush, but not soon enough. He hugged me immediately.

Jack: Oh Willow that's amazing!! I'm so happy for you guys!!
Willow: SHhhhhh!! Nobody else can know!! If Jonah finds out he'll kill me! And Dani!
I pouted and crossed my arms
Jack: Don't worry I won't tell I promise
He put his hand over his heart, and I couldn't help but laugh.

Willow: I'm not sure if I believe you or not, but ok.
I smiled at him. He smiled at me.
Willow: Now are you gonna help me or not?
Jack: Oh no this is all you woman. I have no skills in the kitchen
Willow: Ok well will you at least go wake up the others?
Jack: I'll try my best, but I don't know about Zach.
Willow: I'm sure if you tell him there's waffles, he'll be the first one down
Jack: Well, you're not wrong

He laughed, and I turned back to my ingredients. Not long after the first waffles were done, I heard footsteps running down the stairs, and in about .2 secs Zach slid into the kitchen. Like, literally slid. He must've been wearing some fuzzy socks.

Zach: I heard there are some waffles being made
Willow: Maybe
Zach: Maybe yes or maybe no?
I smirked at him
Willow: You tell me
Zach: Come on Willow, please?

He looked at me with puppy eyes and I just laughed

Willow: There's a plate ready in the oven
Zach: Thank you!!!!
He ran and hugged me, before grabbing his plate, and sitting down. Not long after, Jonah and Corbyn were up and eating, as well as Jack and Daniel, who wandered in right after Zach.

Willow: So if you guys aren't busy, I thought you could maybe give me a tour of la today? And not just the basics. I wanna know the good hiding spots too. Plus I thought I could bring my camera and practice my skills.
Corbyn: I think we're free, right guys?
Guys: Yeah
Willow: Sounds good. I'll clean up here and get ready, and then we can go.
Jonah: Sounds like a plan.

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