Chapter 2

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We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny. But what we put into it is ours.

____ Dar Hammarskjold

The five boys' attention was focus on us after Amanda yelled their words. I gulped hard, having a feeling of dread for what was about to happen next. These boys look like trouble.

They walked towards us as a group.

"Well, that isn't the kind of language real ladies speak in this town" said one of the boys at the front of the group. He had dark brown hair and blue eyes. His hair was messy but his clothes were clean. It's like he's never seen a brush in his life, but he knows how to use a washing machine... or whatever they used back then to clean their clothes... probably their mothers cleaned them... or wives....

I automatically rolled my eyes, putting my hands on my hips defensively.

... Bad decision...

He walked up closer to me so he was in my face. I put my hands out in defence.

"Just stop. Go away and leave us alone. Now is not the time to pick a fight with us, you stupid buff head" this looked like it annoyed him.

Amanda looked at me in fear. I couldn't blame her for being afraid, the man looked like he had the power to kill us with his bare hands and since I insult him, it is most likely we will get buried right here with unmarked grave stones. But, hopefully he's man enough not to kill us. I don't want to die 119 years in the past. Not today. It would cause a crazy time paradox. Plus, I wouldn't be able to solve the mystery of time travel a feat even the greatest of scientists have not been able to make.

"Step away from them. They have done nothing wrong" said one of the boys walking out to us.

Time stood still when I looked at him. He froze.

I examined him. He has jet black hair, bright dark blue eyes, tanned skin and a height of 6 feet. Slightly taller than me, I'd imagine. He was wearing a suit in good condition suggesting that he possibly went to a tailor, which suggests wealth. What caught me was his necklace which hung out. It was identical to my own but dark blue. The same colour as his eyes and the colour my necklace glowed upon arrival a minute ago.

This moment of us staring at each other was interrupted by him, breaking the stare. I looked at him after, then looked at the thug in front of us as our neighbourhood hottie pulled the threat to my existence away so neither of us get harmed.

Hottie whispered something in the guy's ear, probably telling him to fuck off. The guy nodded, obviously intimidated.

All the boys left but hottie. Which was a relief, and a burden at the same time. But, I must remember this guy could be an ancestor of people from my time and fraternising with him would probably cause a rift in the time stream. But then again, what if coming back here was meant to be and was already pre-written for our destiny.

I really need to figure this time travel stuff, and need to stop binge-watching Doctor Whom and other sci-fi shows.

Hottie cleared his throat.

"You alright?"


He brushed his hand on my cheek, moving down to touch my necklace. Woah! Too much personal contact, hottie... not that I am complaining or anything. "Hm" he said, inspecting it. Is this weird? Do guys usually go up to random girls and touch their face and objects. Maybe, this was a thing they did back in this time for courting.

I looked in his eyes, I noticed that he had little grey dots in them which all together appeared like space, mesmerising if you ask me. Boy, hottie got his luck in the natural pool of genetics.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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