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"In the abyss you make your own light"

I'm falling, I fall but I can not figure out where. I'm falling ever farther, around me there is nothing but darkness, darkness. All I can hear are voices, not just voices, but screams of pain, of help, combined with the desperation that shakes and animates their owners. Everything makes me think that the place where I am falling is not good. I begin to be afraid, afraid of where I am headed, fear of the unknown, of being alone. They mingle with those of the poor, torn-out souls, hidden in the shadows. When I think I glimpse the goal of my long descent into this abyss of darkness and pain, I close my eyes and prepare to sustain the impact with the solid and massive soil....but there was not.When I opened my eyes I found myself in the arms of someone I could only outline the profile of the face so much was the absence of light in that place. I knew it had to be a boy, whose arms held me tight with protective doing, as if in that moment I was terribly undefended. I clung to his neck and, to my amazement, my hands touched something soft and big. With curiosity I looked behind his back and, in the dense darkness of that place, I could see two huge black wings, two shadows immersed in the darkness of that place, huge, pitch black, threatening but at the same magnetic. I watched the boy who still held me in his arms, without the slightest trace of fatigue, and he returned my gaze, smiling mischievously. Suddenly I was seized with a strange sense of weariness, everything around me began to turn, the huge wings of the boy spread out entirely, shrouded in darkness as if they were one with this; my eyes became heavier and heavier, until they were completely closed and, just when I was about to fall into the arms of Morpheus, I heard a deep and seductive voice whisper in my ear: "You are mine, and only mine forever >>. And you are now overcome by sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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