Chapter 12

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(Charlotte's POV)

I was really excited to go out on a date with Niall, since I was in the hospital, we haven't really done anything special. But I feel completely fine. I just wish I could remember where I lived. Sure living with the boys is great and all, but I feel kinda left out sometimes when I'm the only girl out of six people.

After I was done in the shower, I blow dried my hair and curled it loosely. Then I applied light makeup- I didn't like to overdue myself to the point that it looked unnatural, so I just put on some foundation and mascara.

Since we were going out to eat, I knew I should dress casual, because Niall would most likely take me to Nandos... It's his favourite place! And I didn't mind that a single bit. As long as I got to spend time with him, it doesn't matter to me. I haven't had many boyfriends before, but I knew Niall was worth holding onto. The way he makes me feel is indescribable. When I see him I light up, and when we're close I feel a connection that I've never had with anyone else that I've known before. When he kisses me I feel sparks all through my body, and it's the happiest I've ever been.

With Niall.

I can't imagine it any other way. He's such an amazing person inside and out. He's sweet, funny, caring, lovable, caring, and I know I can trust him to never break my heart. What we have is real. And I know he feels the same way. We both have felt that way since we first started dating last year.

I smiled to myself, I've never felt better than right now. Me and Niall were going on a date, and I was going to be with the person I loved the most, and we were going to have a great time.

I threw on a pair of light wash distressed jeans, and a floral top, with a pair of brown ankle booties to match.

I walked out into the living room of our condo, to find Niall sitting on the couch watching the television. When he noticed I had entered, he stood up and grabbed my hands, and kissed me on the tip of my nose.

"You look beautiful Charlotte." he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

"Why thank you Mr.Horan, you look rather hot yourself." I said giggling.

He did indeed. He was wearing a white polo with tab chinos, and red Supras. Absolutely perfect if you ask me.

Niall smiled while grabbing my hand. "Let's go."


"hahaha Niall stop!" I laughed historically as he shoved two straws in his mouth, resembling something like a walrus.

"Aw you guys are so cute!" our waitress Mandy said as she came back to our table to take our order.

"Thanks love!" Niall grinned, straws still in his mouth.

"So what can I get you guys?"

"I'll have the Peri Peri Chicken." Niall answered, after removing the straws from his mouth. He was so adorable. And I get to call him mine.

"And you miss?" Mandy asked me.

"I'll have the same please." I smiled at her.

"Sure! I'll be back with your orders in a bit." she answered.

"Thanks." Niall called as she was walking away.

She turned around and smiled at us before walking away into the kitchen.

(Niall's POV)

The food was great! I had an amazing time at dinner with Charlotte. Even though she thinks we've been dating for a year now, I really got to know her as a person. She was very fun and charming, and is very easy to get along with. She isn't stuck up, and she's very polite. You don't find too many people like that anymore...

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