Chapter 15

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I was having such a good time just messing around with Charlotte. She looked so cute in that bathing suit. I could barely control myself.

Charlotte was on my back as we went further and further out, not realizing how deep it had gotten. Suddenly a massive wave came and I lost my grip on Charlotte. I quickly went to grab for her again but I felt nothing as my hands frantically search through the water. When the fest wave subsides, I wipe my eyes free of any salt water and gulp in all the fresh air I can hold before diving back under the waves to continue searching for her.

"Niall!!!" her voice was full of pain and fear. I had to get to her.

"Charlotte!!" I waited for her response but nothing came.

"Niall!!" her voice sounded closer but even more fearful.

"Charlotte! Where are you?!" I was starting to get teary eyed as I was losing hope on find her.

"Niall!" I whipped my head around and I saw Charlotte get pulled back under. Without hesitation, I dove in the detection she was. I resurfaced for air and didn't see her anywhere around me. I dove back under and opened my eyes, not caring that the salt water was stinging them. My main priority right now was finding Charlotte. I saw her slowly storing towards the bottom looking completely lifeless. I kicked as hard as I could and grabbed ahold mod her wrist as soon as I was within reach. I came up for a breath and elf Charlotte right in my arms. Her sling was pale and she was barely breathing. I swam to shore with all of my strength and as fast as humanly possible. It seems like it took hours, but as soon as I got to shore, I started doing CPR on her. She wasn't responding. I continued to do heat compressions, tears streaming down my face. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. I have only known her for a couplenofbfaus but they were the best couple of days in my entire life an I for know how I would survive of she wasn't around anymore.

"Don't you dare think about Dying on me now Charlotte!" I couldn't control the years that were pouring down my cheeks in steady streams. Just when I thought that he was gone for good, she started coughing up all the water that she had swallowed. I quickly scooped her up and continued to hold her as she coughed and coughed, our years mixing with the salt water we were both covered in. When he finally stopped coughing, we both just say there, embracing each other.

"You scared the shit out of me, you know that?" I gripped her tightly as she just nodded weakly into my shoulder. "Let's go back home, you need to ey some rest." I stood up and carried Charlotte in my arms up to where we had all of our stuff.

"Im sorry for ruining our day." She still hadn't fully stopped crying, but the tears were starting to subside and she was starting to get some color back into her. She looke down at the ground, afraid that I would be mad at her.

"Hey. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong." when she still wouldn't look up at me, I placed to fingers under her chin and slowly lifted her face up level to mine. "It was a freak accident. It was nobodies fault." she still didn't seem fully convinced that I wasn't mad at her, so I gently leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. I could feel we smiling into the kiss soo figures she was better now. "let's head home and get ou some rest." I stood up and grabbe ahold of her hand, pulling her to a standing position. She looked totally eldrained of energy, so before she could take a single step, I scooped her up into my arms. Without any protest, she cuddle up deeper into my shoulder as I made my way to the car, she was almost asleep as I placed her into the seat and buckled her in. Her eyes fluttered open and he grabbed ahold of my hand, drifting back into sleep before we were even back on the road.

I had to resist the urge to stare at her the entire way home but I wanted to get us home safely so I kept my eyes on the road. Every once a while, she would stir and she would squeeze my hand and I couldn't help the smile that came onto my lips. When we pulled into the parking garage I gently loosened her grip on my hand and got out of the car. I carried everything else into the room before going back and caring Charlotte in. Thankfully all I the other lads were off doing their own things so there wasn't much noise throughout the house. I slowly crept down the hallway to our room. I decided that i didn't want to wake her up and just to let her sleep in her bathing suit. I layed her down in the bed and pulled the covers up over her before going to change out of my swim trunks. When I came back into the room, she was fat asleep with a cut little smile on we face. Trying not to wake her, I slowly climbed into the bed with her. Even though it was only 4:00 pm, I was exhausted. As i pulled the covers further over us, her ruses fluttered open.

"I love you, Niall."

"I live you too, Charlotte." and I knew I meant it.



I know this is really short, but I'm Uploading from my phone and I don't have wifi or much 3G left. I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer. Sorry if this is crap, not in much of a writing mood and I has a headache.

Love you all who have stayed with this an that have voted. Don't forget to continue voting, commenting, and fanning!

<3 Bailey

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