❅[Rules, Explanations, and Deadlines]❅

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❆ Hello, everyone!❆

Welcome to the Sixth Annual Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy Secret Santa Gift Exchange!

This Santa Chocobo is back to spread some holiday cheer! So, let's get this show on the road!

For those who don't know what a Secret Santa, this event is where a group or community come together, put their names in a hat, and are then randomly assigned a person to give a gift to while also getting a gift from another randomly selected person.

Many of you will be familiar with this from the past few years, but don't be afraid to ask for further explanation of the concept or anything else.

There won't be an official FAQ, but my inbox is open. PM me, comment here, or on the profile page, if you have any questions.

Please go over the rules and carefully plan around the deadlines!

✻ ❄ ❉[ Rules ]❉ ❄ ✻

‣ Content:

This gift exchange is exclusively for writing.

I've returned to just reader-inserts because OCs and other pairings can get complicated. (Unless a good number of you object than I'll make the change.)

Try to tailor your writing to the specifications of your gift recipient and don't go to left field with what they've asked. Keep to Wattpad's rules and don't make anything too explicit or mature. Again, check your secret santa's wishlist.

‣ Length:

Don't go crazy, but don't be lazy.

There is no length requirements but I do ask for a reasonable amount of effort.

One-shots tend to be the way to go. You could do a collection of drabbles, which are shorter pieces, but a larger amount can be produced. Short stories are nice, but have them be a reasonable length and mostly written by Christmas. Don't try to overtake a story that will take longer than the holiday season to produce and publish.

Over the years, I've noticed that people will try to get every character the person asked for. You can try, but it isn't a requirement. However, that doesn't mean one quick 200 word drabble for just one character and you're done.

Be considerate and remember this is the holidays. Put the same effort in as you expect your gift-giver to put.

‣ Wishlists:


Everyone who wants to participate must fill out a wishlist so your Secret Santa isn't completely clueless what to get you. You will find the wishlist template in the next chapter (labeled Participants) of this story.

Keep in mind that I am publishing them for others to see.

Now on to the participation rules!

✻ ❄ ❉ [ Participation Rules ] ❉ ❄ ✻


Writing can be difficult. I know, it takes me days to perfect a 2500 word one-shot and that's only when I find the right start. There are a couple of prompt lists on this profile (last year's book and a separate one) and a quick google search should bring some more up.

Writing involves a great deal of dedication and I don't want anyone to be overwhelmed. I do encourage you to participate but do realize that you will be responsible for someone's gift.

[KH/FF] Secret Santa 2018Where stories live. Discover now