❆ [ Participants ] ❆

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This page will serve as the master list for all Secret Stand 2018 Participants. Once you have been assigned a Secret Santa recipient, simply find their name/username below and read over their wishlist carefully. This page will be updated regularly as new participants sign up.

If you want to sign up to participate, please fill out a Wishlist Template in the comments below (or submitted through the other ways discussed earlier) so I can add you to the master list! I will put the template into the comment section below so you can easily copy+paste it into your own comment bubble below.

The more detail you give, the better idea your Secret Santa will have of what to write for you!

(Updated: November 19)

List will be updated every Monday, Thursday, or Friday.

[ Wishlist ]


Desired Pairing: (Please list at least two or more characters for your Secret Santa to pick from in case they aren't familiar/comfortable with one of your choices)

Maturity level: G, Mature, Very Mature, etc.

Ideas for a clueless Secret Santa: (give some brief examples of things you like/like to read about. Don't outline the story for your writer, but give them a little taste of something you'd be interested in)

Chocobo Knight Helper: Yes/No

[ Participants ]


Name/Username: Ali/ aliinicole

Desired Pairing: Some of my favs are Zack, Roxas, Axel, Ven, and Vanitas

Maturity level: I'm more of a mature content (swearing, smut) person irl, but I'd also be happy with something tame and cutsie. Whatever style you're most comfortable with writing.

Ideas for a clueless Secret Santa: I've always had a love for Christmas clichés and chaos, so maybe a Christmas activity goes awry. As long as there is some boc love then I'm cool with anything!

Chocobo Helper: no

Name/Usermame: Raven Strife / Storm_raven

Desired Pairing: I love many characters so I'll only name a couple. Noctis, Prompto, Vanitas (absolute fave <3), Cloud, and Genesis.

Maturity Level: I'm good with pretty much anything. From so overly adorable I might get a cavity and die, to angsty as all hell, to oh my god the smut is real! Regardless swearing is okay as I cuss like an absolute sailor.

Ideas for a clueless Secret Santa: Coco by the fire, something goes oh so very wrong, sad and depressing Christmas. I'm not picky.

Chocoboo Knight Helper: Sure!

Name/Username: MizzGinger 

Desired Pairing: Hien (FFXIV), Noctis (FFXV), or Balthier (FFXII)What kind of story you want: Reader-insert

Maturity level: Teen

Ideas for a clueless Secret Santa: I tend to enjoy some humor and putting the characters in odd situations where it shows the reader having a strong bond with the guy. I'm hoping to read something fun-- maybe something about planning a Christmas event for the town/group of friends/a civilization. Up to you on the scale and which angle you want to take. No angst pls, I need happiness ;o;

Chocobo Knight Helper: Not this year, unless you really need help.

Name/Username: BB-LGM

Desired Pairing: (Note: I don't necessarily mind if its not possible, but for a reader-insert I'd like for it to be a male reader uwu) Zack(FFVII), Cloud(FFVII), Tifa (FFVII), Hope (FFXIII)

Maturity Level: Mature and above, for the kind of story I want but I'm all for a rated G story!!

Ideas for a clueless Secret Santa: Give it your best shot to make me cry. I can 100% guarantee I will. Other than that, maybe angsty fluff! (More particular to Gay/Lesbian pairings, but platonic stuff gives me life.) Also -- Cuddles! You can't go wrong with cuddles.

The kind of story I'd like: I have to restate, but I like both reader inserts and character-character relationships. (If you're writing Tifa/Cloud, please do not pair them with each other. I am not partial to them, sadly.)

Chocobo Knight Helper : I....no. I'd rather observe uwu

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 20, 2018 ⏰

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