"Lots of Territory" trailer

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Alaric, Hope, Kenner and Landon walked into the Salvatore School.

"We are a school for the supernatural," Alaric said.

A girl raised her hands, magically hovering some books.

A black wolf was chained up in a church, it growled.

A creature was seen in the dark.

Rafael looked up and growled, his eyes glowing gold.

Alaric was sitting in his office with Landon.

"Which covers a lot of territory," Alaric told him.

The Salvatore School was shown


Kenner had his arms raised and twisted his wrists as he used magic.

Hope looked at Rafael. "My brother and I have actual magic powers."

Hope walked along, raising her arms as she used magic.

A cabinet containing china shattered.

Hope and Kenner stood by the gate at night.


On the school field, students were playing a sport. A student leapt through a gold ring suspended in the air and caught a football.

People cheered.

Rafael jumped to the ground off a building.


Landon and some other people watched him, shocked.

Alaric looked at Landon. "Everyone here has something that makes them special."

Penelope leaned to the side, exposing her neck. MG bared his fangs.

Hope: (voiceover) "Vampires."

Hope, in her wolf form, was in the woods.

Hope: (voiceover) "Werewolves."

Kenner and Josie held hands as they prepared to cast a spell, a grimoire sitting  between them.

Hope: (voiceover) "Witches."

A woman breathed fire.

Hope: (voiceover) "And everything in between."

Hope was crouching on the ground, her shirt ripping open as her spine was seen shifting beneath her skin.

A boy looked at Landon. "We ain't got nothing to apologize for."

Landon was running through the woods at night.

Kenner: (voiceover) "We're faster. We're stronger."

Hope and Kenner were training near a lake. Hope tried to kick him, Kenner blocked and Hope flipped through the air, landing in a crouch as she stood over Kenner.

Kenner nodded. "We're better."

Josie used magic to create a ball of orange energy.


Lizzie was at a party in the woods, siphoning some fire from the bonfire and blowing on it.

Lizzie and a little boy looked up at something.

"Run!" Lizzie told him.

They ran away.

Alaric walked out of the Salvatore School, holding a stake.


Penelope and MG were in the kitchen.

"I got the munchies," MG said.

Penelope raised her leg, blocking his path. "I can help you with that."

Penelope moved her hair to the side.

Josie looked down. "We're not allowed to use dark magic here."

Penelope gasped as she shook her burning arm.

Josie was standing by a nearby tree, she turned around.

Kenner looked at Josie. "Says the girl who just set her ex on fire."

Lizzie yelled, waving her arms.

Landon was being magically dragged down a hallway.

Landon and Rafael were running through the woods during the day.

Alaric was looking at all his students, giving a speech. "We are more than just a school. We are a family."

Kenner looked up, holding a knife as he was surrounded by fire.

Alaric: (voiceover) "But make no mistake."

A creature dragged its claws along the walls inside the Salvatore School.

A boy sitting in the back of a bus, moved away from a girl he was feeding on to look at something.

Alaric: (voiceover) "These are predatory creatures."

The blade of a knife glowed red.

Penelope and MG were in the hallway, kissing.

"Some people just want to watch the world burn," Penelope told him.

The school sign on the gate was shown.

Lizzie and Josie were greeting Landon and Rafael.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School," Lizzie told them.

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