Decision Time

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Mj burst into Peter's room regardless of he slept naked or not.

"Mj!" he squealed frantically pulling up the sheets to cover his bare body.

"Quit your whining baby, it's not like you've got anything to hide," she told him folding her arms and standing at the end of his bed.

"Why are you in my room?" panted Peter who was now curled up against the bed head.

"Have you made a decision yet," Mj asked impatiently tapping her foot.

"Fine I'll do it, but remember, you now owe me something," pointed out Peter pointing a finger at her.

"Don't push your luck Parker," she scoffed blowing him off.

"Well good luck finding a new fake boyfriend..." began Peter in a condescending voice with a smirk on his face.

"Fine. Fine," begged Mj regretting what she had said immediately.

"Now quickly get dressed and pack, we are leaving at 9,"

"And maybe try getting rid of those dolls and posters, they are dorky," Mj recommended walking out of his room feeling pleased.

"What at 9?! And they are action figures!" called back Peter but Mj wasn't coming back.

Peter slow it crawled out of bed in case Mj came back in and surprised him. He picked up the shirt and sweatpants from the day before and chucked them on.

"Put on something better than that, my mother will kill you if you show up to the airport like that," ordered My, sitting back on the same couch she slept on the day before.

"Wait your mum is coming?" asked Peter wide-eyed still adjusting to the brightness in the room.

"My whole family is coming, the whole reason you are coming is because my mum thinks I'll never find love and stuff like that," Mj began to ramble on about how she was never enough for her. Nothing she could do would ever impress her.

"I'm sorry about... your," Peter mumbled softly, he didn't know much about Mj because they were too busy squabbling to each other. He didn't know about how her family treated her.

"Come on, pack. We leave in an hour," repeated Mj, ending the conversation about her family. It was obviously a hard topic for her.

Peter was halfway through packing when Mj came back in. He looked up looking for any sort of emotion in her eyes.

"Is she really that bad?" asked Peter wanting to help Mj just vent out.

"I've gotten used to her over the years, but your going to have to wear something better than sweatpants," she laughed. Mj didn't like to share her emotions much. She just pushed them down to the bottom of her stomach.

"Is it like a fancy resort or something?" asked Peter kind of hoping it was because him and May had never had enough money to go on some big holiday.

"Just your typical Fijian resort, pristine beaches and beautiful sunsets," talked up Mj panning her hands in front of her as if she was showing off the view.

"Do you want me to call a taxi or- hey put that down, that's a collectable," warned Peter zipping up his suitcase.

"They are just nerd toys," exaggerated Mj, sighing and putting down an exact replica of Master Yoda's lightsaber.

"But they are my nerd toys," whined Peter giving his room one last goodbye look, which was littered with little models of the solar system and different intergalactic ships, each wall had a different star wars  poster in it and his bed sheets were the old ones he had at May's apartment.

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