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After lunch, which Peter thought went very well, mostly because he got on with Jason so well, in fact, they had already exchanged numbers, Mj and him went back to the bungalow. Peter wasn't all that big on Luke, yeah he is cool and tough but Peter felt intimidated by him, always showing off and Mj just fuelled his gigantic ego.

The worst part was when Mj started hitting on the same worker at the snack bar. Peter gave her death glares from across the table, it could have blown there whole cover. Luckily Charlotte was too busy drooling over Peter to notice anything her cousin was doing. Something was telling Peter that she was into guys that were smart. Peter was starting to realise that the Jones family was a whole bunch of flirts.

"I had a thought during lunch," began Mj, wrapping her head around the door frame to see Peter washing his face in the sink. From what she had guessed he was washing off the sweat from the tennis game.

"Was it when you were going to kiss that worker?" asked Peter, angrily, his voice sounded hurt. He grabbed one of the face towels off of the white fluffy tower.

"No, but he did tell me about a Bush walking path that leads up to a mountain peak. Beautiful views and has a river somewhere along it," she explained, not phased by Peters emotion. She even completely ignored the fact that Peter was feeling used by her, in which he was, playing as her fake boyfriend to convince her family that she isn't all useless.

"Sounds wonderful," muttered Peter pushing past her, knocking his shoulder into hers. She turned around as he barged past.

"I was thinking we could go to get some time where we aren't dating. But if your just gonna pout about it..." growled Mj, crossing her arms staring at Peter blankly.

"Fine, we can pack some food and I can finally stop sucking up to you," huffed Peter grabbing a backpack and angrily started to pack things like sunscreen and sunglasses, last to go in was a pair of swimming trunks.

Mj joined him with her own backpack, raiding the mini fridge which had only just been filled this morning.

As Peter grabbed his waterbottle he only just remembered that one crucial thing had slipped his mind. I had forgotten to let Aunt May know that he had landed safely, she was probably losing her mind with worries right now.

"Mj can we hold up, I need to give May a call," asked Peter in a serious tone. Now when ever he spoke to Mj he remembered to speak in a serious tone to make sure he wasn't in the mood for jokes.

"Make it no less than 5 minutes," sighed Mj, swinging her backpack over her shoulder that looked too small for all the stuff she managed to shove in there.

Peter sat back down on the bed, dialling her number, waiting anxiously for the big drama she would make when she answered.

"Peter, it took you so long to call!" she yelled through the phone, she still hadn't gotten the hang of it yet.

"Sorry it just slipped my mind," explained Peter speaking in the same sorry voice he did each time he forgot to do the dishes or make his bed, back at the house.

"So, how is Hawaii?" asked May who was back to her normal cheerful self. Peter could tell by the tone in her voice that she wanted a big conversation and every little detail.

"Yeah it's really good," beamed Peter, he know deep inside him that May was jealous of him. She had always talked of plans of when she had the money, she would take them both on an overseas vacation.

"And how come you never told me about your girlfriend, Mj?" asked May, she was smiling through the phone.

"Well we have only, umm have just been going out recently," stuttered Peter, he was uneasy with this situation, mostly because he wasn't the best of liars.

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