Chapter 5

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I pull out a wooden stool from the counter and plop my self down next to Harry, who is eating a banana.

"So... I received terrible news after you guys dropped me off after the beach."

"What happened?"

"My... Um.. My..." The words cant come out.

"My parents are getting divorced." Oddly enough there are no tears.

"Oh shit."


"Um it will be okay, I know it doesn't seem that way, but trust me, it will all work out." He says gently rubbing his hand across my back. Trying to comfort me as much as he can.

"Look at me." He demands

I feel ashamed to look at him, with my black stained cheeks. I dont need him worrying about my problems.

"I can't help feel that this is my fault."

"How the hell can any of this be your fault?"

"I don't know things just always seem to be my fault. It just works out that way."

"False, its impossible. Its something between your parents not because of you."

"I don't know." I look away

"But trust me it will be okay."

"Okay. "

Harry starts laughing all of the sudden.

"What are you laughing at."

"I dont know. I just can't fathom how you could blame yourself."

"Its just me. Every thing I do is wrong my parents think of me of a criminal because i'm not the ideal child they wanted. Which lead to fighting; which then led to where we are now."

"Im sorry. Thats so fucked up."

"Yeah.. Well."

"Well I hate your parents now."

"Oh do you? Whys that?"

"Cause they screwed with your head. They got you thinking your this horrible person. Your not. Your perfect actually. You don't have to change a single thing. You just be you. The jackie I love."

"What?" My heart races. I cant believe what I'm hearing.

"I mean... I.. mean.. Like."

I know he is lying by the way he fiddles with his hair and nervous behavior.

I think we both had the same idea. Looking into his green gorgeous eyes I melt, as we lean in for a kiss. Just before we touch.

"Omg jackie Im so sorry! Traffic" Came from the front door.

We both jerk back and pretend everything was okay.

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