Back To Earth

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   Lucy left a note way early in the morning. It read:

   I'm going back to earth for a few hours, but I'll be back later. Promise.

   I didn't know what she was doing, but I'm sure we would find out eventually. I still can't believe I broke up with her. Maybe that's why she left? Because she needed a break from having to see me?

God, I didn't even realize how much I hurt her.


   I was on Earth, looking for Rogue. I need to tell him I read his letter.

   I look around Magnolia, but I don't see him. Finally, I just texted him.

To: Rogue

     I'm in Magnolia, where are you?

   I sent it and waited for his response, which didn't take long.

From: Rogue

      I'm with Sting. At the park. Did you check there?

   No, I did not. I really am a blonde, haha.

To: Rogue

      No... but I'm on my way, I need to talk to you.

   I started on my way to the park. Almost immediately, I found him.

   He was sitting on a park bench, so I snuck up behind him. I tried to scare him, but it didn't work out. As soon as I got close enough, he smelled my scent. Dammit.

   He stood up and turned around to look at me. "Did you think I wouldn't smell vanilla and strawberries and not know it was you?" He asked. Of course not. Well, maybe. Oh well.

   "No. I was just hoping your nose wasn't working." I chuckled. He smiled. I've never found his smile attractive until just then. He barely smiles as it is.

"So what did you need to talk about?" I almost forgot, just staring at him. I've never looked at him like this before. Well, I have, but it wasn't this bad. It was only starting before I left. Shit, I think I might actually like Rogue.

"I read it. I read the letter."

"What letter?" I hear a voice behind me ask. I turned around and it was none other than Sting. Great.

"Sting, leave us alone. Please." Rogue tried to tell his brother.

"I would, but you've got me curious, brother. So what's this letter?"

"It doesn't involve you, okay? It just involves me and Rogue."

"Hmmm. Fine, I'll leave. But I'll be back." After saying that, he turned around and left yet again.

Rogue turned to me. "So, you read the letter?"

"Yes. I came here first thing when I woke up, before Natsu realized I was gone." I explained.


"Because, because, because I needed you to know that I read it. That I like you too." His eyes widened, I get why though. The girl he had apparently liked for the longest time was standing in front of him, telling him she liked him back.

He finally calmed down. When he did, he said, "What about Natsu?" His features now looked saddened. I knew what he was asking, without having to ask what he meant.

"We broke up last night. Before I read your note." I told him.


"We got into this big fight. We've been fighting for months, but this one was the worst one. But he brought up a good point, we didn't know each other that long before we got together." He nodded. I hugged him. He was shocked yet again, but soon relaxed and hugged me back. I looked up at him, making him look down at me.

   "Hey, Lucy?"


   "Will you be mine?" I smiled.

   "Of course." I've known him forever. This guy has always been there for me. Why wouldn't it work out, right?

   He smiled. I smiled back. I think I want to take this sort of slow. Or at least, slower than I did with Natsu. Then I remembered something and stepped back. I was looking at the ground. He looked confused. "Oh god, what about Sting?" I looked at him.

   "Oh crap. My brother. He's gonna kill me." He chuckled. I was internally freaking out. Did he not care?! Sting was gonna kill him! And me probably! What the hell have I done?! I felt myself hyperventilating. "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, Lucy."

   I kept repeating, "No, no, no. It's really not. Oh my god." I had to go over this. "I need to process this. So you gave me a letter before I left."


   "I read it."


   "Now I'm here, back on Earth."


   "So I told you, and now we're a couple."

   "Yep." Something seemed off, but I didn't know what it was. I calmed down and shrugged it off, hugging him. Just then, here came Sting. Oh, boy. We're in for a ride. Then, I saw another person I don't like. Lasagna. Oops, I mean Lisanna. Great. Just great.

   I took a step back from Rogue and looked around. It seemed like a lot of people from our school were appearing. They were all staring at me. I started feeling my anxiety go up, meaning I was about to have an anxiety attack.

   I grabbed Rogue's hand and took off.

   I dragged him to an alleyway & turned to him. "Rogue..."

   He was staring into my eyes. "Yes, Lucy?"

   "Something feels off. There were so many of our classmates in that park, & it felt- it felt like they were- staring at me." I admitted. He looked at me like I was losing my mind.

   He stepped closer to me. "Hey, calm down," He seemed to be searching my eyes. "You've been gone for a while, more people come to that park now, I don't know why." He had a point. I nodded & looked away from him. He grabbed my face & brought it closer & closer to his, until there was no gap left. 

  Our lips touched, and I felt sparks, but then, it felt like everything around us was being absorbed into the darkness around us. It felt like I was being enveloped in the darkness around us. 

  We broke apart from the kiss, out of breath. I looked into his eyes. He looked into mine & smiled, but the smile didn't look genuine, it looked devilish. I chose to ignore it & grabbed his hand, not caring if we were seen together.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2019 ⏰

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