Chapter 6

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Three Words Chapter 6

“Lucy!” A voice calls out for me as my hand grasps onto a cliffs edge.

“Natsu!” I shriek out in fear. Tears collect into the corners of my eyes as I locked them tight. I hear Natsu calls get closer until he’s directly above me.

“Lucy! Why the hell are you so weak?!” He growls like the dragon he is.

“No! This isn’t real! This can’t be real.” I say the last part softly to myself.







“You really thought that we cared about you?” Natsu laughs, while stepping on my hand. I cryout in agony and terror. He smashes his foot down harder, which makes it difficult to hold myself up. “Why don’t you just die? That’s all your good for anyway.”

“N-Natsu? Why are being this way?” I yelp out.  He disregards me and continues to squish my hand like it’s an annoying bug. “STOP!” I screech, but he yet again ignores me and thrusts my hand with his foot. Fear rises through me as I feel myself fall. A wave of excitement and horror washes over me as I plummet towards the earth bellow. Why? Why couldn’t I prevent this? Why am I so weak? Why couldn’t I protect myself? Tears fall freely from my eyes as plunge to the death that awaits me.

I wait for the impact, but one never comes. Confusion flows through me as I ponder if I’m dead or alive. I slowly open my eyes and I’m greeted with red eyes. “R-Rogue?” I question in a stutter and his face morphs into one of …admiration?

“Are you ok?” He asks quickly and I nod shakily at him in response.

“Don’t worry; we’ll kick his ass for you.” Sting, who I just noticed was there, grinned cockily. Tears gather in my eyes and I find myself clutching onto Rogue as if my life depended on it.

“W-why d-did he do that? D-didn’t he k-know t-that I’d die i-if it wasn’t for Rogue?” Tears swamped onto Rogues attire, but I didn’t care. I feel Rogue pull me into him even more; comforting me with soothing words and swaying me slightly.

I plop up from bed and gasp for air. I feel my face and sure enough, it’s wet. I take a few deep breaths before swishing my legs to the side of the bed and getting up. I notice that I’m shaking slightly. Everything felt so real. I doubt I could sleep after that and I don’t even want to try. What if I have that dream again? I shudder at the thought and walk towards my front door. I open it and step outside; not concerned that I have no shoes or proper apparel on.

No one’s outside, so I assume that it’s really early. There’s a light breeze in the air that makes me shiver a bit, but I don’t stop walking. I keep moving my feet towards a random direction. I don’t want to stop walking, but I know that I’d eventually have to.

“Hey Blondie!” A voice yells and I whip my head around to see Sting with his exceed Lector, who was sleeping on his shoulder. I finally stop moving and face him as he runs towards me. “What the hell are you doing out here at this time and where the fuck are your shoes?!” He gives me a stern look and I let out a small giggle. He’s kinda cute when he acts concerned. I cut my laughter short as images of my drea-nightmare whirl through my head like a tornado. I barely can contain my tears, but eventually I give up n trying to be strong and break down. “Blon-Lucy what’s wrong?” I faintly see his face scrunch up in confusion through my hazy eyes.

I feel his muscular arms wrap around me in an awkward embrace. “Do you want me to take you home?” He asks in a gentle voice. I look at him and shake my head no. “Well me and-erm- Rogue have a motel rented for the week if you wanna-um- sleep there.” His face reddens as he offers and I find myself nodding yes. The nightmare must have shaken me up badly. Not even a day ago I would’ve Lucy kicked him for making such an offer, but now I felt weak and helpless. But, most of all I felt safe with Sting. It’s like I have new respect for him after the nightmare. Was the horrendous dream a sign?

I feel myself being lifted up bridle style and I close my eyes drifting into a light dreamless slumber. My eyes flutter open and I see that I’m in a foreign bed. It’s not as comfortable as my bed, but it’s still pretty comfortable none the less. I look around to see familiar red eyes staring into my brown orbs. I instantly feel my heart rate beat faster and I try to urge it to stop, knowing that Rogue could hear it with his advance hearing. 

“You’re awake.” He states and walks over to me. He places his left hand over my forehead. “You had a fever. It cooled down a bit. I sent Sting to go get some medicine and soup.” He tells me, before walking over to the nightstand and picking up something shiny. I recognize it as soon as I get full view of it. “I went to your place to get some clothes for you to change in. I saw your keys and brought it. It’s not safe for you to wonder off without them.”

“Thanks.” I mumble and take them from his hands gently. I notice Leo’s key shine brighter than the others and I immediately know that he needs to talk to me in private.I look up when the door opens to reveal Sting with a bag of medicine and several cans of soup. He sets them down on the desk next to the entrance and walks over to me.

“Hey blondie I got some soup, so go get up and make it.” He demands while sitting at the end of the bed. I stare at him and blink a few times before Lucy kicking him in the gut. “WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!?” He yells in anger mixed with amusement.

“I’m the one with the fever therefor that means that YOU have to make it.” I huff and cross my arms. I notice Rogue sigh and shake his head before grabbing one of the cans and walking to the small kitchen area. Within ten minutes he walks over to me with some hot soup and orange juice. “Wow thanks.” I smile at the black haired teen. He releases a small smile and I feel my heart flutter again. What’s going on with me? It wasn’t like this when I worked with him at the bank. What changed? My mind drift off back to the horror fest of a dream and I recall the part when Rogue was soothing me. My face heats up immediately. Because of that moment, I’m falling for Rogue Cheney. 

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