Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to ROBERT DORSCH

Leafnose was busy helping the Clan, after the battle. He wasmworking with Darkflower and When they finished Leafnose padded up to Whitestar and asked "Should I take out Sandpaw with Sootpelt and Stripepaw and do hunting assignments?", Whitestar, injured from the battle slowly got up and meowed "Yes, take them near the Streamclan border but not Sunclan.  We arent taking any chances for a unready battle.", Leafnose responded with a swift thanks and padded out of the den.

"Sootpelt, Stripepaw, and Sandpaw.", he broke off to see Snowfall, at the mention of Sandpaw, narrowed his eyes once again. Leafnose rolled his eyes.

"Were going on a hunting assignment.Hunt near the Streamclan border, and remember, We'll be watching."! He watched as Stripepaw and Sandpaw burst out of camp and into the woods.Sootpelt fell in step with Leafnose, and the two began watching thier apprentices.Later on Leafnose saw Sandpaw bury 3 pieces of prey and thought, I never taught her that.

Leafnose continued following Sandpaw and she suddenly turned around and said, "You know I can scent you right,?" Leafnose purred. "Your not supposed to talk to me remember?",Sandpaw sighed a soft ok."Well I wonder were Im going?", and walked strait into Leafnose.He got up purring."You little mouse-brain",he said teasingly."you've been doing well so far, keep it up!", and with that Sandpaw padded off.

At the end of the day the apprentices caught 8 pieces of prey and Sandpaw caught 5. "Your apprentice did very well Leafnose, congratulations!",

Whitestar meowed., He padded over to Snowfall and the two walked into Whitestars den.

Leafnose narrowed his eyes. He turned to hear muffled screams coming from the nursery.

Leafnose bounded over and saw the worst sight.

Darkshadow was killed, with a deep gash in her throat

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