Chapter 3

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Leafnose looked down at Darkflower, a look of horror on the queens face. Snowfall collapsed when he saw Darkflower. He buried his face in Darkflower's fur. The smell of rogue was everywhere.  "Sunningpelt, take Fernshade, Wandy, and Appleclaw and go after the rogues. Bring them back alive." Whitestar meowed."Snowfall, take Dewspots and Lightningtail and patrol the Sunclan border." The assembled cats took off. Some of the cats were heading to thier nests, as it was sundown. All Leafnose could see in the clearing was Darkflowers body. Leafnose buried his nose in her fur.I will avenge your death Darkflower, and make that rogue pay.He headed off torwards the warriors den.  Leafnose curled up beside Daffodilclaw, her flank rising as she slept.  "Snow will fall and Leaf will rise and lead the clan through darkness and peril." Leafnose awoke suddenly, "Who said that" Leafnose meowed." Shutup, mousebrain, were all asleep" Dafodilclaw whispered.Leafnose crept out of the warriors den and went to the training clearing. There he could see Snowfall and the rogue, who killed Darkflower. Why isnt he bringing him back to camp, Leafnose thought. He crept as slowly and silently as he could into camp and stepped on a twig. Leafnose could here the rogue saying, " What was that?" He took off into the camp, not wanting to get caught. He crept into his nest and slept through the night and decided to tell Whitestar about it tommorow. 

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