Surgery (angst)

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HAHAHHAHAHA This is my secomd oneshot in this book hope it's good. Also song has no relation to story.



3rd POV

Tom. He has the hanahaki disease. He's in love with Tord Anderson.(not using tords real last name for private purpose) 

The problem is that Tord doesn't love Tom back. Tord doesn't even like Tom at all. Not even as friends. Tord hates like HATES Tom's guts. But Tord doesn't have a reason for it. For all Tom knows is that he is heartbroken and is dying. 

Tom's in his room throwing up in his bathroom toilet. Hunched over red flower petals and blood spilling out of him. Edd wanted to see how his friend is doing. But what terrified Edd is seeing his friend throwing up blood and petals.

Edd was quick enough to call the ambulance. The ambulance came to their house within the span of 10 min. Edd grabbed Tom cause he was starting to pass out of blood loss and his head was about to fall in the toilet bowl. 

The doctors (idk wut to call the people) ran up to Tom and put him on a stretcher. They put Tom in the back of the vehicle. Out of curiosity Tord and Matt came out of the house before the ambulance left. 

Edd was already inside talking to the doctor about Tom's condition. Matt worried led both him and Tord to the vehicle. They got in and Tord eminently let out a loud scoff. Edd not wanting to deal with Tord's bullshit made sure he didn't do anything to Tom. 

They put Tom on his side and hooked him up to a blood bag (idk i've never been to the hospital) and a monitor. His breathing was slow but fast. Everyone could tell he was in obvious pain. 

*Timeskip cause I'm a lazy fuck*

3rd POV

Tom just woke up. In a hospital gown and a IV attached to his arm. Beyond the door he could hear three people yelling at eachother on the other side. That's when the doctor came in. He told Tom that he went under surgery. That's why his throat hurt. 

The doc told him that since he had the surgery he couldn't feel love anymore. But for Tom, it was for the better. Soon enough he got taken off the IV and monitor and sent home. Still when he got out he could fully see his friends arguing. 

It was about him. Edd and Matt on one side and Tord on the other. They didn't notice him and since his throat was sore he couldn't talk.  All that mattered is that they were arguing that it was Tord's fault that Tom got the disease. 

Now Tom can't love anymore. The things that he used to love now seemed dead. Love is what made Tom happy. So Tom couldn't smile anymore. It's not like he smiled that much anyway. When Matt turned he saw Tom with a teary face. 

Matt went straight to his friend and hugged him. Something Matt might only do to Edd or Tord. 

"We missed you!!" Matt screamed into Tom's ear.

Tom just had a blank stare into the void. It seemed like all the life drained out of him. Edd noticed and started crying. Tord tried to comfort Edd but Edd just yelled Tord to go away and that it was his fault.

*Few Months Later*

The guys were living a semi normal life. Tom is the regular drunk. Edd is still doing animation and Matt loving himself. Tord on the other hand left the group. Went to the army but everyone but Tom cared. 

It's just because Tom knew it was Tord's fault he's like this. All Tord had to do is learn to not hate Tom and maybe they could've gotten in a relationship.

Tord became the leader of "The Red Army". He was sitting in his desk doing paperwork like normal. Then all of a sudden he started to feel like he is suffocating. Paul and Pat his right hand men worried took him to the hospital side of the base. 

The doctor diagnosed Tord with hanahaki. Tord threw up blood and blue flower petals. Just like Tom he thought to himself. He didn't get the surgery like Tom. So after being in pain for 3 long years. Tord took his own life.

Everything Tord felt in those 3 years made him think. Is this what Tom felt this entire time? Well Karma is a bitch.

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