Suicide (angst)

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If you know me in real life you would know I'm like that. I've been having some struggles with skool/prison and me and my best friend like the same guy. Even last skool/prison year we like the same guy. She supports me and I support her and our crush's decisions. Once my crush did like me at one point but I fucked it up cause I'm a bit suicidal. But now I'm fine and getting better. Our crush likes my best friend better and it's kind of sad for me. My best friend feels bad but I support our crush decisions cause she is a way better person than me. If you are my best friend (she knows who she is) and you read this which is most likely not then I'm happy if you and our crush get together. For the people reading this I needed to get this off my chest. So if you don't care then I'm kool with that.



3rd POV

Tom. He has hanahaki disease. It was very obvious. If you are wondering hanahaki disease is one-sided love. Where you love someone but they don't return the same feelings. When the person you love doesn't return the feelings you basically throw up flower petals.

Take example of Tom. He loves Tord so very much but Tord doesn't return feelings. It's sad and heartbreaking. The one Tom loves doesn't love him back. (if i actually have the disease i would be dead by now)

Tom right now is on his checkered bed trying not to think about Tord. If he does he throws up the haunting red petals. It's just a reminder that Tord doesn't love him. He wants to die in a hole by himself.

It's really sad for Tom's friends Edd and Matt mostly Edd to see him like this. Just because Tom and Edd have known eachother for so long and now everything falls apart. It all started back in highskool when Tom and Tord started as friends.

Over the course of 2 years in highskool  he started getting feelings for Tord but didn't know it.  But when Tord got a gurlfriend. Tom felt jealous but didn't know why. That was until the third to last day of his sophmore year. 

Tom woke up in his bed. Feeling like he was suffocating. He needed to stay home. His parents were at work already. He didn't want to call his friends. But he did anyway. Tom texted Edd that it was an emergency. When Edd got to Tom's place with Matt and Tord, Tom was found out cold in his bathroom.

Back to the present. 

Thomas is home alone. The one huge mistake Edd has ever made. 

He has a razor in his palm. Black tears coming from his non existent eyes. Tom's midnight blue sleeves rolled up. He pushes the razor harshly against his milky white skin. (jesus fucking christ i'm going to cry from writing this)

Blood pours out. Tom repeats the cycle of this. More cuts more blood. The rest of the gang still hasn't come home yet. Tom's cryes get louder and louder. At first it was of sadness.

Then what wasn't expected was laughter coming from Tom. His vision getting more blurry. All he can tell is that he fell to the floor in a pool of blood. His arms cut in almost every corner. His milky skin now tainted red.

He has a smile on his face. Black tear streaks coming down. 

"I know you don't love me. And I hope your better without me, Tord." 

Then Tom passed out dead on the floor. Such a horrifying and disgusting sight to see. A few hours later the gang came home with a shit tone of bags. Edd called out for Tom to help them. 

But when Tom didn't answer Edd sent Tord to get him. 

Once Tord got up the stairs to Tom's room. He opened the door to see his dead friend. Tears set to Tord's eyes. His mouth wide open, wanting to scream for help. Tord's calloused hands over his gaping mouth. Tord couldn't move, he was paralyzed.

He did get the courage to get his phone from his pocket and call 9-1-1. Soon after the ambulence came. Tord hearing the sirens ran towards the front door to the vehicle.  Edd yelled at Tord, wondering what was going on.

Edd went outside to see what Tord was doing and understood right way, that the ambulance was for Tom. Edd ran upstairs to grab his friend. Edd tried to be as careful as he can running. 

Once the friends got the results at the hospital. They found that their friend is officially dead. Of course there was a funeral. But that's the end of Tom.

Soon after Tom, Edd got hit by a car. The house burned down while Matt was still in it. Tord was the only one left. 

Tord took his own life like Tom. But in a different way. Tord went to Tom's 'safe place'. It is a forest in the middle of nowhere. He had Tom's smaller hoodie on. Tord in the forest jumped off a near by cliff. 

And that's the end of all the friends. Well what I didn't mention is when they were all younger. They said they would die together, in some way shape or form. And they did. This was their bad ending.


OMG THIS IS SO FUCKING SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I did get this done so I'm proud of that. But hope you guys enjoyed my first oneshot in this book. Sorry if this is bad.

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