•Akari Eliktai Kousuke•

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Name: Akari Eliktai Kousuke (Or for KS fandom Uwu Aeryn Ceres)
Nicknames: Ari, Suke thats all XD
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: Shes a rather quiet and analytical person, normally she wouldn't show much expression but she's rather observant and quick on her feet, overall a patient individual but during certain situations she can get short-tempered. She thinks before she actually fights trying to find the opponents weaknesses. She makes small remarks here and there. She won't admit it but...she has a good heart putting other peoples well being and priorities above her own. She really wont hesitate to kick someones ass if needed to.
Ethnicity: European (Italian)
Age: 20~
Gender: Very much female but she mostly considers male clothing more comfortable.
Appearance: She has the height of 5'2 being rather short which does have a-lot of advantages during fights and such. Her skin is fair with the exception of small hints of freckles dusted across the bridge of her nose and cheeks. Her hair is a platinum blonde color the length reaching just above her waist, but she normally ties it back into a ponytail to keep it from being in the way and such, she has heterochromia iridium two different eye colors, her left being usually covered by a tuft of her hair is a burst of different (mixed colors) her pupil surrounded by a mix of orange and deep crimson red having that burst effect. Just around those colors with the same burst effects has the colors of blueish green, and Finally taking up the rest of the space of the iris is a soft violet color with small flecks of gold in the mix. Her right eye is the one usually being uncovered the eye color an enchanting ocean blue having a small glow effect. She has a surprisingly well toned body despite her petite frame, including well a rather large bust as-well but she well pins it down by bandaging it.
Clothing:: Normally she would wear a black slightly oversized jacket with two yellow golden rings sticking out on each side of the sleeves, seeing as its rather oversized its well comfortable for her. Underneath the jacket she wears a simple white t-shirt with black headphones around her neck. To compliment her body figure she wears skinny black jeans with well white and golden stripped adidas shoes.
Likes:She loves sweets especially a strawberry parfait, Weapons Ofcourse, Painting which is connected to her Animating, Books which also includes writing, Uhm....Piano and Anything related to the musical department and category
She has Opiophobia which is the fear of Anything in the medical field including doctors and such....She also has Brontophobia! Now she loves the rain but when it comes to sudden loud noises and well thunder and such she's terrified of and she will end up having a panic attack this also goes for her opiophobia....She Hates overall jackasses...And Shes nomadic which means she never stays in one place for too long so! Ye" Mirai sticks her tongue out slightly a smile creeping onto her face "Oh! Also Ju is someone who doesn't take blood very well whenever she would smell or even see it, it could lead to a panic attack or well her just standing there frozen and terrified A lot of her weaknesses are based off her time in the lab, words, objects, or even pictures that reminds her of her time in that...horrid place could send her into a frenzy. But yet I suppose it just makes her the person she is today."
She has no parents that are alive at the moment, currently she has a foster father named Xavier, a french pastry man and A non-related brother named Xiu, Her blood brother is currently in the hospital under intense care (Will not be included for most fandoms ;; )
She has a pet Pomeranian named Tobi, a literal cotton ball walking around on all fours. She gets vivid nightmares mostly in the end she ends up screaming or crying, and then she'll stay quiet for the rest of the day to grasp her reality again.

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