Part 1

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This was going to be fun. The villain of the week had just decided to turn the Avengers into teenage versions of themselves. Unfortunately it was up to Agent Coulson to gather them up.

The first of the group he found was a small blonde haired boy, his top was falling off and exposed his too skinny frame "Steve? Is that you?"

"Who are you?" the young boy around 14 asked sceptically. "My name is Agent Phil Coulson, I work for S.H.E.I.L.D I'm here to help you, would it be okay if I just took you over to that ambulance and get you quickly checked out?" he asked gesturing to the awaiting ambulance. Steve nodded yes and they walked over to the ambulance, on the way over they found another small darker haired boy hiding behind the remains of a car shivering. "Clint buddy is that you?" he gently asked the terrified child, the small boy nodded in confirmation.

"Are you here to take me away for being bad again?" he asked in a dejected voice "I swear I didn't mean to be bad I promise sir I didn't" he rushed out. Phil leaned down next to the boy and put his suit jacket around him to protect him from the cold, "its okay Clint, my name is Agent Phil Coulson. I work for S.H.E.I.L.D I'm going to help you. Can you stand up for me so I can take you over to the ambulance and get you looked at with this other little boy Steve?" he asked while gesturing to the other boy. Again Clint nodded.

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