Part 2

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They finally made it over to the ambulance where Coulson told them "I've just been informed that there are some other children I have to go help, would it be okay if I left you two here together with my friend Maria?"

The agent asked the two boys who just sat there and nodded. "Take them back to HQ and get them some better fitting clothes, I'm going to find Banner, Romanoff and Stark" he told her.

Phil made his way back over to where the other three Avengers had last been seen and soon found a de-hulked Bruce Banner in what seemed to be a 16 year olds body, he quickly made his way over to the de-aged scientist and explained the situation to him, Bruce was a very shy young man so followed Phil without much hesitation.

The next of the tiny Avengers he found was a brunette girl with large brown eyes, it took Phil a moment to ask which of them the girl was and got the answer of "my name is Jennifer Elizabeth Stark, who are you and what do you want from me? My father will never pay my ransom".

 It was safe to say Agent Coulson was shocked by the answer he received because who would have guessed that the playboy that was Anthony Edward Stark was born a girl. He quickly got over his shock and told the girl to follow him and that all would be explained as soon as they found the other missing Avenger. It didn't take long to find the redhead that was Natasha Romanoff, she looked calm and collected on the outside but her eyes showed her real fear of not understanding the situation she was in.

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