Part 3

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It didn't take long to get all five (Thor was thankfully on Asgard when the event occurred, they didn't need a tiny thunder god running around) of the mini Avengers back to the tower after they'd been checked out by S.H.E.I.L.D medics and had a number of tests done.

Steve still had his serum but without super speed or super strength, he still had a super metabolism unfortunately so had to eat every few hours and was continuously asking for Bucky. Bruce had the Hulk in him but due to his much smaller and much more fragile body he couldn't hulk out. Jennifer aka tony, although in a female body was fully healthy and showed no signs of the arc reactor.

Both Natasha and Clint were healthy if not just a bit jumpy around adults. Overall they were all mostly the same but had no adult memories and had no idea who the others where or why they were there.

After a few days of them all living together Coulson couldn't bare it anymore and had to ask "Jennifer?" she flinched at the name "can I talk to you for a moment privately? Don't worry you're not in trouble" the others all looked at her wondering why Coulson would want to speak to her privately.

 She nodded and followed him out of the room, once they were somewhere quieter he asked "Jennifer are you transgender? I only ask because I see the way you flinch whenever anybody calls you she/her or when they call you by name, we just want you to be as comfortable as possible while you're staying here" he finished. She looked at him shocked as trying to figure out how he had read her so easily.

 "I think I am" she confirmed, "I've never really thought about it because Howard would never let me be a boy so I tried to ignore the feelings that I might be one".

Phil nodded "what would make you feel more comfortable while you're staying with us?" he asked. "Well I'd really like a binder, if that's okay. And also could you call me Tony and by he/him. I think it would really help." He added. "We can do that for you Tony, do you know your chest size so we can order you a binder straight away?" the agent asked, Tony quickly loaded the tablet he had been given and opened up a website that had binders on, "these are the best ones I could find" he told Phil.

 They quickly ordered Tony a binder and went to inform the other mini avengers that Tony is in fact transgender and would very much appreciate it if they would use the correct name and pronouns.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2018 ⏰

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