First Visit

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It was a very cloudy day as usual. The sky was gray and the autumn weather was beautiful. The limousine dropped me off at the front gate. "My lord." I mouthed. Didn't even look like a gate. It was a ginormous brown gate. I stood there, waiting, not knowing what to do. I put my hands in my pockets and scrunched my nose. It was a cold day. The limousine driver talked to someone on the walkie talkie, and soon the huge gates in front of me, slowly opened. Behind the gates, was a beautiful graden. I stood in awe, and slowly walked in, admiring this beautiful place. I am already in love. I am never leaving this place. I looked to my sides, and saw the huge trees, with ginormous trunks and branches, and all the huge orange and yellow leaves resting on the grass, signaling autumn was finally here. I inhaled the smell of this garden, oh how amazing it is. I looked at the castle, and oh wow this has to be a dream, this is identical to hotel transilvania. I had dozed off, but I remembered I was here to work. I walked quicker up to the beautiful and big wooden doors. I looked for a doorbell, but there wasn't any, so I decided to knock. Before I could even knock, a guard opened the door. He looked at me, up and down. "I'm uh.." I said, oh was I intimidated. "Marsha?" He said. "Yes, that's me." He nodded his head, which maybe meant I could come in, so I just did. As soon as I stepped inside, I could smell pumpkin spice and all these really good autumn smells. There was a huge chandelier with diamonds which really shined. There were tall ceilings. The decorations were amazingly beautiful. The halls also smelled like sweet cinnamon and I loved it. I got to talk to the people who owned this castle. They weren't part of the royal family or anything, and I still want to know why they live here. After I was set up, I got to meet the rest of the people who worked there. They were all really polite and showed me around. I learned a lot of things, like what to do and what not to do. The day passed by extremely quickly, because of how much I was enjoying this place. I was given the option to live here, or to work from 7am to 9pm. And considering I have no one to be with outside this place, I decided to live here. I set up in my new room, which wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. But I am ready to start working tomorrow first thing in the morning and to get to see the whole castle.

(Next day)
I got woken up at 6:30am with a decision to make. I either had to clean the rooms, or clean the halls. I decided to start up cleaning the rooms, and tomorrow do the halls. I quickly brushed my blond hair and brushed my teeth. Rosie, the one who works here too and showed me around yesterday, told me in which room to start. I started cleaning a girl's room. I was outside her room, and nervous to knock on the door, but I finally did. I heard a voice from inside. "Come in!" She said. I slowly opened the door, and walked in. I smiled at her. "My name is Marsha, nice to meet you." I said. "You're new here? My name is Aaliyah." She said. Her tone sounded so much nicer than I thought it would be. "You have such a cute name." I said as I started preparing my stuff to start cleaning. She smiled at me and went back on her phone. Any of us never spoke until I was finished. "That was quick." She said. I chuckled and gathered my stuff. "Thanks for letting me be here." I said and closed the door behind me. I headed all the way to the other side of the hall. The distances here are huge. I knocked on one of the doors, not knowing if there was anyone in there. Nobody responded so I knocked again and a little harder. "Uh sorry who is it?" A raspy voice said from behind. I got kind of nervous. It was a guy. "This is Marsha, I'm here to clean." I said. "Alright... come in." He said. I came in, with all my stuff. I was very nervous but I had to do it. There was a shirtless guy, about 18 years old, lying on his bed. His curly hair was all messy and he had pink cheeks. He turned his head to the side, and hugged his pillow. I quickly looked somewhere else. "Good morning." I said. "Good morning." He answered. He quickly looked up at me, and when he saw me, he quickly sat up. I just looked over at him and immediately looked somewhere else when I saw him shirtless. "Are you new?" He said. "Yes" I answered simply as I got my stuff out. "What's your name?" He asked. "Marsha." I said and smiled, trying to convince him that I wasn't nervous. "I'm Shawn." He said. I smiled at him, and started cleaning. "Is it your first day here? I usually don't meet new workers after a couple of days after they start working here." He said. Hm of course, this place is huge! I thought to myself. Those questions, drifted to a long conversation. Shawn got up from his bed, in his red boxers which made me so nervous and I pretended to keep cleaning. He grabbed a shirt and some pants and went back to bed. He kept asking me about tons of stuff, which kind of made me uncomfortable, but I still answered. After I finished cleaning, I got close to his bed, but he just looked at me straight in the eyes, I don't even know what he was telling me. He just kept talking and talking. He paused for a tiny second, and that's when I told him. "I'm done, whenever you're ready for me to do your bed, call me, I'll be downstairs." I said. He nodded and I gathered my things. I opened the door but he was still talking about a friend who went to India. I just chuckled and nodded. "Wait you're leaving?" He asked. "Yep need to do some stuff downstairs." I said. "Stay for a while." He said. I just laughed. "See ya." I said and left his room. As I closed the door, a tiny smirk was on my lips.

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