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(Next day) I took Shawn's breakfast before Rosie could see me. I tried to walk fast up the stairs. I knocked on Shawn's door. I heard a little grunt which called my attention. I wasn't so sure if he was still asleep or not. I knocked once more. "Hm." Shawn said. "Marsha." I said. I opened the door, with confidence as always. But went in for a surprise. Red cheeks and little grunts. "Wait." Shawn said. I kind of knew what was going on. As I closed the door Shawn got his hand out of the coverlet, and his swollen eyes looked over at me. A little smile spread across his face and I just chuckled. "Wasn't expecting you so early ma'am, this is your fault, you left me all messed up last night." He said. He put his hand under the coverlet again as I put the tray on his bedside table. I could see his hand still moving under and he closed his eyes. "Not now." I said. "Hm look who's talking now." He said. I smirked. Shawn and I were best friends, friends, boyfriend and girlfriend and everything you could imagine. I loved this guy so much in so little time. Shawn's hand kept moving and each time at a faster pace. His cheeks looked super cute and pink. I heard a little grunt from him again. I went to his bed and sat right next to his face. He looked up and me and I looked down at his moving hand under the coverlet. "You are so weird kid." I said. "And you are a teaser!" Shawn said and lowly grunted. Shawn's face was angelic and so funny. He looked up at me and down at the moving spot under the coverlet. He fastened the pace and he had a cute expression on his face. "Ah." He silently said. "I kept thinking- about you all night." He said in between little breath shortages. "I couldn't resist but." He stopped talking. He turned his head to his right side and breathed heavily. His pink cheeks spoke for themselves. You could just see something moving quite fast under the coverlet. He breathed some more. Until he continued the sentence. "But I had to do it." He smiled. Shawn's chest moved up and down showing me his heavy breathing. "And you- you caught me." He smiled........ His grunts suddenly filled the whole room. In this huge castle nobody could be heard... and that is something great. That is an advantage for both.

I looked down at Shawn's cute nose and I booped it as I saw him try to catch his breath. I smiled at him and he looked up at me. His cute little curls were the cutest in the morning and I tried to fix them up. "One day less until my parents finally leave to that wedding in Europe." Shawn said. And I have some great news, he said and smirked up at me. "Hmm tell me!" I said. "They won't be here for three weeks." He said. I was surprised. I bet going to Europe must be amazing, but I will never have the opportunity to go. "Have you ever been there?" I asked. Shawn shot his head up. "5 million times." He said, "My parents have many friends there, so we're always visiting them once or twice a year." Shawn said. I smiled down at him, wishing I could've been there in each and every single one of them trips. Shawn sat up, and looked around his room. "There it is! Gimme my underwear please." He said and pointed at it. "Me? Go get it yourself sir!" I said. He pointed down at his legs, he was naked. "Ugh." I pouted iI got up and threw them at his face. "Thanks u cute." He said. "So random." I said and walked back to his bed. He slipped them on under the coverlet. He sat up and walked over to the coolest desk ever (which was in his room), and got his laptop. "I hate doing online school." He said.

I got up to go to the bathroom and Shawn spanked my ass. "Ow! Get off!" I said and hit his arm jokingly. He started laughing and grabbed my hand. He pulled me in for a huge kiss. I placed my hand on his hair and he places his on my cheek. Shawn stopped the kiss to look at me and smile. Our lips crashed again, and my right hand traveled to the hem of his shirt, but I stopped there. I couldn't help but smile throughout the kiss. I suddenly stopped. "I really need to go." I said and pointed to the bathroom . "Now you go." He said and pushed me to the restroom door.

I was finished and I opened the bathroom door. "I need your lips pressed against mine once more." Shawn said. I ran over to his bed and our lips crashed again. "You drive me crazyyyy!" Shawn yelled. "Shhhh! SHUT UP!" I said. "Me? Psh nobody can hear, I swear." He said. He was right, this castle is huge. I heard a knock on the door and I quickly ran to the bathroom to hide. I heard Shawn unlock the door. "Need me to clean?" I heard Rosie's voice. "Hmmmm." Shawn said. "I think not... I think I'll just call you or Marsha later. It's too early." Shawn said and gave a fake yawn. What a good actor. "Alright." Rosie said. I heard the door close, and he locked the door. Shawn opened the bathroom door and rushed in. He pushed me against the wall. "Kiss." He pleaded. I smiled and kissed him slow. Then, Shawn just casually went and sat on the granite next to the sink. I walked over and leaned over to grab his chubby cheeks and give him a tiny kiss.

(Next week)
"Please make sure that Aaliyah and Shawn are doing their online school work, that's all I really ask for." Shawn's mom said. "Yes ma'am we'll make sure." Rosie and I said. The limousine was here for both Shawn's parents. They both rushed out after saying goodbye to Aaliyah and Shawn. After I closed the big wooden door, I looked behind me. I smiled at Aaliyah and she smiled back. I looked over at Shawn, and oh what a cute smirk he had in his face, and I knew what that smirk was for.

Rosie didn't really care what I did or where I was. Never did she ever notice I was miraculously in Shawn's room most of the time. Maybe because Shawn is a messy person. She should understand.

Shawn ran up to his room and Aaliyah went to the kitchen, to have dinner I guess. I stayed in a kitchen for a while just to not make it so obvious. Suddenly I hear some footsteps coming from the main stairs. Then Shawn comes into the kitchen. "My room is a mess right now." Shawn had a very mortified look on his face. Rosie stood up. "I'll be there in one second!" She said. "Oh don't worry Rosie I could do it if you want, no need to worry." I said. I grabbed the cleaning material and Rosie sat back down with Aaliyah. I walked out the kitchen and Shawn walked behind me. Shawn's arms swung around my waist immediately after we went up the steps. "Get off!" I whispered. Shawn's arms came off me. I opened the door to his room and Shawn walked in behind me. He locked the door and stared straight in my eyes, and he's not usually like that. "You get me nervous." He whispered. "This is our secret and I love it." He said. He smiled at me. And I sat on his bed. He sat right next to me. Shawn's hands reached down to my jeans. His hands froze as he stared into my eyes again. I looked at his too. He unzipped my jeans and I kicked them off. I unzipped his too, and he also kicked them off. I took my shirt off and Shawn slipped his off. We watched a movie on his bed, and we cuddled. Shawn's hand slowly reached down to my thighs, and I was tense. I looked over to the door nob, making sure it was locked. Shawn's fingers roamed through my inner thighs for a while. Suddenly I felt his index finger hook around my underwear. My heart was beating. I felt it slide down smoothly and slowly. I looked up at him and he stopped. I closed my eyes and rested my head on his bare chest. I made figures on his strong abs. My underwear was completely off. That's the moment. Shawn's fingers slowly walk back up to my middle thighs. I feel his cold finger touch my middle. I froze and did nothing. My body lightly shivered at his cold touch. His fingers started moving at the perfect rhythm. He hypnotized me. He drove me crazy. He inserted a finger, which made me tremble. I spread my legs, slowly giving him more access to my body. I started feeling my face getting warm. His fingers performed magic in me. The more pressure, the better it all felt. My breath slowly fastened, not much though. Shawn inserted his finger, and I gave a heavy breath, it slowly came out again and I smiled. He inserted two more fingers, and I kissed his chest, forming two hickeys. My warm breath warmed his upper chest each time it hit it. His three fingers in me made me feel a lot. His thumb started caressing my clit. He looked down at me and kissed my lips. As soon as he did that, his pace fastened. His thumb formed shapes on my clitoris and his fingers slipped in and out easily. Shawn stopped the kiss. He got up and sat in front of me. He took his underwear off and looked at my expression when I saw it. I was dead silent, I just looked at it and looked back up at him. "I know what you're thinking." He said and chuckled. I ran my finger along it once. It moved up a little. Shawn made me sit back and relax on the headboard. I spread my legs as much as I could, giving him all the access since he was right in front of me. Shawn got closed to me and inserted 4 fingers into me. I closed my eyes and looked to my right side, panting. I trusted him. My clit was being lightly touched by him. My legs shivered at his cold and firm touch. I gripped his right arm, letting the pleasure fill my entire body. My heart kept beating. I opened my eyes and looked down at my wet middle. Shawn's fingers were also wet at this point. I gave a little smile. This time, Shawn only inserted his middle finger. But he pumped very fast. I immediately shut my eyes, two fingers inserted followed. Then three. "I- I oh." I said. I didn't care about anyone hearing me in this huge castle. His fingers quickly pumped in and out of my wet middle. It was getting tense and wetter. I placed my cold thumb over my clitoris but Shawn took it away. His thumb started to pleasure my clitoris tremendously, making my body shake a little. I started panting at this point. I could see Shawn's dick rising more. I smiled in between pants, and closed my eyes, and focused on his incredible touch. I put my hand on his shoulder and spread my legs some more. I made weird faces, but it was all pleasure. I suddenly fell silent. I squeezed my eyes and rolled them back. I moaned some little, giving huge pants after. I squirted everything out. I was shaking, as I gripped Shawn's right arm. I panted on his shoulder and made a hickey.

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