Those Blue Eyes

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"Have a nice day sweetie"my mom cooed to me before reaching over the car seats to give me a quick but tight hug along side a kiss on my cheek.

"Thanks mom"i smiled to her. 'Hopefully' i thought in my head.

As i jumped out of the car i looked around the campus ro see girls squealing and hugging eachother saying that they missed eachother and stuff like that like they havent seen eachother for 5 years or something.

It was your typical highschool campus that you see in the "movies" with your jocks, nerds, geeks, popular kids, and just straight out wierdos.

But oh well i guess they're lucky that they at least know someone for their first day of school. Unlike me, i think this is going to be a miserable long day of school.

I decided to kill the time by looking around the inside of the school to find my locker.

I checked my school schedule to the map of the school campus on the back of it which led me to a locker that said "locker 21" on the front of it. This was the locker that i got assigned with and it looked pretty decent.

But something had caught my eye, a tall, blond haired boy standing next to my locker struggling to open his.

"Haha uhhm, hi, you need help there?" i chuckled to myself wishing that he didn't hear it.

The tall boy turned around to face me, and omg can i say that he was super cute, he had the brightest, most blue eyes i have ever seen. And when our eyes met, it was like, no one else in the halls mattered, like him and i were the only ones there. I know sounds really cliche. But what else am i going to say.

"Oh, hi." he said to me which seemed to have snap me out of my thoughts about him.

"Im just having a hard time opening this locker. Its really stupid, I dont know why but im always getting stuck with these dumb lockers that won't even open up."

gosh, he had a deep Australian accent, i loved it.

wait, i didn't love it, i didn't even know him.

"Oh, haha, yea uh, me too i always get stuck with those lockers.." i said very awkwardly, omg i mentally just slapped my self in the face for saying that. Uhg why do i have to act so weird around cute boys all the time?

He chuckled quietly, smiling at me making his dimples show.

Damn be was adorable.

"Your funny, oh by the way, im Luke." he said as he held out his hand in front of me.

I awkwardly shook his hand replying to him "uh thanks?" more like a question. Dang it,  he probably was going to think im rude.

"Uh, i-im s-sorry, i didnt wnat to sound ru-" but then he cut me off by laughing quietly so only i could hear.

"No, No, its ok, haha i know what you mean. And, You seem really cool to hang out with, do you have any classes with me?"he said pointing to the schedule in my hands.

We put our schedules next to each other examining if we had any classes together.

"Yay! We have one class together, aww only one though " he said with a pouty face which made me let out a small laugh.

"Yea, but at least we have one class together, which is science. Oh yea, uhh by the way, i dont know if i told you my name yet but its Madeline, but you can call me Maddie, for short" i said with a smile. Slightly blushing.

"Ok." he said with a huge smile plastered on his face. Then the dumb bell had to ring saying that it was time for class. Uhhg stupid bell had to ruin the nice moment. "oh, well uhm we better get to class then. And, ill see you in science" he said waving goodbye to me as we parted our separate ways to our first period.

I walked to my first period class for History. As i walked in i looked around to find an empty seat in the middle of the classroom. I was walking over to it and i noticed this group of girls snickering, whispering,  and pointing in my way. I took a closer look at them and they were really pretty but practically dressed like sluts. Wearing tight shorts with shirts that had their boobs literally hanging out.

'uhhg' i thought. No wonder they are laughing at me. They are all popular and they were surrounded by boys drooling all over them, and on the other hand, i was all ugly.

Yep, This was going to be a long day.


sorry this was just a filler chapter but yea bare with me until the next one.

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