Chapter 4

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Night time .

That exact same night was different.


What the hell is wrong with me ?

Today was filled with that thing . For once in my life I felt envious, greedy, and urged .

I want to be like him .
I want him only for myself .
I want to destroy him .

These thoughts couldnt leave my mind;this feeling couldn't be tossed out . I just was taking the garbage out then the bag ripped . Pouring out all the stupid emotions . All this complicated shit happen because of that stupid crayon .

It's currently 4 am .

He wouldnt leave my mind . Ever since he walked in, my numbness left . It's as if it wasn't there to begin with .

I felt myself slowly closing my eyes and soon my mind had exposed me to a place .

The garden .

The rose pettles filled the area with nothing more than hope. Something that I've craved for the longest was simply put on the tip of my fingers.

The blurry faced person took me by the hands, and held them to his chest . Holding them as gently as the wind flowing through the roses. I looked up . Reveling those dark, cold but soft eyes of his.

"I will always be here for you ."

"Who even are you?"

"I am your savior . I will help you over everything my love "

"Why cant I see you?"

"That is for the best of you and I."

"I want to be one with you . I need you."

With a simple slip up the words and moment launched me into saying these things . That one sentance was what changed my life . The name . That name .

His name .

"I love you ----"

The wind picked up its pace . The sunny morning soon became into a dark cloudy evening with nothing more than grey . The Rose's colour was soon drained out;then carried by the wind . The blurred person was now in the view .

"I'm sorry"

After those two god damn words, he disintegrated . The remaining dust from him flew with the wind . Not a single trace was left . He was gone.

The area faded into darkness . I slowly opened my eyes, finding myself in my empty, cold room . I slowly sat up on my bed . Everything that happened in that dream was soon forgotten .

Dreaming is just a distraction. A make believe thing that is used to satisfy oneself . But that feeling I felt, was no more than a lie . I dreamt about because it could never come to reality .

I will forever be blind and insensiable because of this world .


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