Chapter 7

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Everything is better with you.

Imagination in a world of darkness brings out the glimmer in your eyes. If there was no spark, then what would light it up? The passion of one's heart? Or the anger in one's fist? The colour red shows many emotions.

One of them is love.

I've listened to all the little things you've told me. All the little gifts, letters, paintings, and drawings you've given me I've kept safe in the pushed in wooden drawer right by my bed. Everything about you was driving me forward, and I never had a clue about the destination. I still didn't mind about where it ended, the journey mattered more.

But you remain to be a complete opposite of me. Bright as the sun, strong like the waves, and fast like the wind.

You are made up of nature, which made me get inseparable from you.

I just so happen to take a breath every once and then, because when you wanted something you didn't even hesitate to follow it. I walked in fear of tripping, but you ran without a care in the world.

Fearless, determined, popular, passionate.

You are all of them.

And I am none of them.

Rather, I was nothing useful, but that didn't matter. All I needed was you.
You showed me colours, happiness, memories, and compassion.

I soon found myself zoned out by your tall figure that sat on the desk nearest to the windows. I always enjoyed gazing at you laugh at some of the dumbest remarks. How you moved one way to another due to how hard you were laughing. The way your haired swayed in front of your face covering those deep hazel eyes of yours.

The early sunrise followed itself into the window giving you the golden effet, the poor blinds on the school wall failed to block them. But that was alright, it only made you look more of an angel.

"Alright everyone take their seats, the bell has rung" Said Mr.Evans with a huge smile on his face.

His hair was cut on the sides;he grew out the top. His blue highlights and pitch black eyes made most of his coworkers assume he's some sort of "gangster" or "punk guy". Even if his hair is drenched in blue, his outfits always consist of a plaid sweaters over some white dress shirt. He was a complete nerd. Only 36. If you met him in person, you would assume he's only 23.

I took my seat on the old school desk that was covered with gum on the bottom, and had a bunch of smudged pencil doodles on the top. Some of the drawings are little flowers and space ships. Besides that, it was mostly just random markings swaying left to right.

I sat in the back corner near the window which let the sun to have the advantage of blinding me with those strong rays. It annoyed the hell out of me somehow I just managed to push it aside.


Because sitting in the back meant not being noticed. I didn't give a damn about the classes or the teachers. All that really mattered was the fact I could stare at you from afar.


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