Unexpected News

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"Skye wake up hun." I heard a voice say softly.

As I opened my eyes I saw Linda looking at me

"Yeah?" I ask her confused.

"Honey go get ready A family is coming to meet you today at 2:00." Linda reminded me

"Oh God what time is it?"I jumped up

" 12:30 now go get ready"

I ran up to the room that I shared with a little girl named Ari who looked at me like I was on crack when I busted into the room and ran into the bathroom with my towel.

*After Skye's shower*

After my shower I dressed in a black and red cami with a spiderman sweatshirt,black skinny jeans, with blue converse. I added a little bit of mascara and eye liner with a smudge of lipgloss.

As I make my way down the stairs, I hear Lydia talking.

About me.

" Skye is a very talented young woman. She enjoys acting,singing,and dancing.

"Mom, acting like me. We have to adopt her!" someone says

"Leo please, don't interrupt Ms.Lydia when she is talking."A Female voice says
Who are they? I'll just go and see.

"Lydia?" I say sweetly "Who are these people?"

"Oh hi Skye this is Randye and Leo Howard. They are thinking about adopting you." Lydia tells me
Me getting adopted by the Howards?

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