Get Out

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Olivia Benson thought she was fearless. At least, that's what it said on her necklace and she believed it. Until the night she came home and found William Lewis standing in her living room with a gun pointed at her and an evil smirk on his face.

"Welcome home, Detective Benson." He said as he came closer to her and shoved the gun under her chin. What he said next sent a chill down her spine. "I think it's time we had some fun." Before she could try to fight him, he smacked her across the face with the gun, knocking her unconscious.


When she came to, she was sitting upright in a chair and could barely keep her head up or her eyes open. She felt drugged. For all she knew, she probably was drugged. She tried to move and that's when she noticed that her hands were tied together behind her back and her ankles were tied to the chair legs.

When he saw that she was awake, Lewis came closer and smiled sadistically. "Nice of you to join the party again, Detective." He snarled.

She didn't respond.

"Are you ready to have some fun?" He asked, grabbing her cheeks roughly with his fingers.

Again, she was silent.

Walking over to his bag of supplies, he grabbed a bottle of liquor and a bottle of water. "Open your mouth." He demanded, crouching down in front of her.

When she remained still and silent, he grabbed her cheeks roughly again, forced her mouth open and poured the bottle of liquor down her throat.

When she started spitting and coughing it out, he came within an inch of her face and asked, "What, you didn't like that?"


"You want some water now?" He asked.

When she nodded slightly, he grabbed the bottle of water and splashed it in her face, laughing.

While all of this was happening, she was working on freeing her hands and feet from the restraints.

Once the water bottle was empty, Lewis threw it across the room and started walking back over to his bag.

Once she was free from the restraints and knowing she had to be quick, Olivia kicked the backs of Lewis's legs causing him to fall on his face and ran into her bedroom to grab her backup gun.

Just before she grabbed it, Lewis pushed her to the ground then threw her on the bed.

He grabbed her backup gun and smirked. "Looking for this?" He asked and smacked her across the face with it, knocking her unconscious once again.


She woke up to find her arms and legs tied to each bed post on her bed with Lewis pacing back and forth with the gun in his hand, waiting for her to wake up. When he saw that she was awake, he smiled wickedly and sat next to her on the side of the bed, waving the gun around.

All of a sudden, he put the gun in her mouth. "Ya know, I wish you were enjoying this as much as I am. Maybe a change of scenery will help." He smiled and knocked her out once again.

Regaining consciousness, she saw that she was in the back of a van with Lewis driving. Her hands and feet were duct taped as well as her mouth. Not being able to speak, she thought instead. Where are we going? She thought. Is he gonna kill me? Or...rape me. She felt nauseous at the last thought and tried to think of how to get away until she was jarred from her thoughts when Lewis suddenly stopped the van and parked.

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