Y/n POV -
I arrive back home and rush inside with the biggest smile on my face, Jay was standing in the kitchen making cereal or something.
"Have a good date?" Jay yells towards me, I giggled and screamed, "Of fucking course I did." He laughs in return and walks to his room with his bowl of corn flakes.
I go on twitter and see loads of tweets aimed at me and mason, I check my mentions and see the photo of me, the little boy and Mason. I read a few of the tweets asking who I was, most knowing me from the stream where Jay yells out to me to bring him some juice. But people questioned as to why Mason and I were hanging out.
'Zuckles: nothings happening between me and @y/t/n'
The tweet blown up and I suddenly gained loads of followers. I was confused to oblivion.
Mason spammed with texts asking if I was okay.
Y/n -
Yes I'm fine I swear haha 💗Mason -
Are you sure, because it looks like you're getting hate from my female fansY/n -
It's fine! It doesn't bother me, they're just your fansMason -
Okay bub 💓My heart skipped a beat when he called me Bub. It's weird that I feel this way towards him, I've been in relationships before but never felt as strongly for them as I do for Mason. He's so sweet.
"Y/n! Want to play fortnite with me, Mason and Daniel." Jay yells out to me and I call out 'yes' in return.
I turn on my pc and hear the fan make loud noises, louder than usual. Then suddenly my monitor becomes blank.
"What the fuck!" I yell out and quickly unplug everything. "Jay, I cant play my pc's fucked." I called out, he didn't reply which didn't bother me all that much.
Y/n -
Mason, sorry I can't play my pc broke:(Mason -
That's fine, I'll come over later anywaysY/n -
OkayI smile at my phone and hold it to my heart. He really is perfect.

him ;zucklesxreader; (completed)
Fanfiction"Mason listen to me, I love you." the book is complete! if you would like to check out my other one that i'm working on it's a fitz x reader called cut my hair. ily guys uwu