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Hey guys! This is just something for me to post since I haven't posted in forever. Just a little something something. I'll have more time to write this summer when I'm not working. So yeah... Love you guys! Hope you enjoy!

(Prod, Chelsea, and Kelsi)

Prod: We just wanna talk.

Chelsea: No you don't. You want to judge me.

Kelsi: Chels, when have I ever judged you?

Chelsea: When I dyed my hair, when I got pregnant, when I didn't wanna smoke with you and your ex boyfriend, when-- *gco*

Kelsi: Okay that's enough. The point I'm trying to make right now is that I won't judge you. So can we talk?

Chelsea: I guess. But there's not much to talk about. I got an abortion. That's all there is to it.

Prodigy: No I wanna talk about why it's so emotional for you.

Chelsea: Because that ruined my life. I got made fun of at school for being pregnant at 14. My grades dropped. Our mom kicked me out and I had no one to depend on. Kelsi wasn't even there for me. I had no one. I had decided that no matter how hard life gets, I was gonna keep the baby. But mother said that she would let me back in the house if I got an abortion. I couldn't let my baby die but I had to. And I always think about how my life would've been like of I had kept the baby. I regret getting that abortion but it was for the best......I guess.... *tearing up*

Prod: Awwe *hugs her*

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