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Hola mi amigos👋🏾 Feels like forever since I've written something, but here I am with a preview of a brand new Ariana Grande/ G!P You story! This is JUST A PREVIEW, but I definitely will have it done as soon as possible for you guys! Hope you enjoy!

"Shit shit shit shit shit!"

Stretching my legs out, I ran as fast as I could.

The city of Los Angeles was finally peaceful for a moment. No sirens. No screaming, buildings falling, glass shattering, or people fighting. Just the regular hum of the cars and bustle of the people trying to get to where they're going. No one needed the fastest woman alive, Flash, for once.

I would've been able to enjoy the silence if not for the fact that my fiancee was about to strangle me to death.

The anger that I knew she would have was practically already palpable, and I felt my muscles work harder in fear.

Excited screams grew from a dull buzzing to a vibrant roar the closer I got to the Hollywood Bowl. If I could just make it before she sai- "Hey loves, I'm so so sorry, but Y/n couldn't make it." Exclamations of sadness wrung out, and I nervously ran unseen into the alleyway of a nearby building. "So that does mean I won't be able to perform our song for you guys without her."

It was at that moment that I knew I fucked up.

The crowd was absolutely devastated, and if there was anything Ari hated; it was disappointing her fans. "But we're still gonna have a good time anyway, okay?" The cheering resumed, along with yells of her name and how much people loved her.

Ariana started her set, the crystal clear beauty of her voice ringing out as she belted Raindrops. While that was going on, I slipped off the suit I had on. Changing into a NTLTC sweatshirt and some matching grey sweatpants that I stashed by the venue earlier; I used my super speed to stuff my suit into the special golden ring I wore and made my way backstage.

I said hey to some people as I walked, a few of them telling me "you're gonna get it." playfully. Finally, making it into Ariana's dressing room, I tiredly plopped down onto one of the comfy couches in the corner.

Only after my adrenaline wore off did I realize how tired I was. I had been chasing Savitar for three months now, and tonight seemed to be the finale of all our fights. Though the only injury I got was a semi-deep gash across my stomach, that was already healing thanks to my powers, it took everything in me to beat him, and my body was now exhausted.

It wasn't even moments after I laid down that I flowed into unconsciousness.

A soft weight on me and gentle whispers into my ear lulled me out of sleep, and I opened my eyes to be met with the gorgeous brown eyes of the love of my life.

Even with the amazing view, I still felt tiredness pulling at the edge of my mind and body; it had only felt like seconds since I fell asleep anyway. "Five more minutes." I dragged out. Eyes drifting closed, as I did my best to roll over unto my back with Ariana still straddled on top of me.

I could hear her amused chuckle, and I just knew she was shaking her head. "Baby, the venue is closing, and everyone is going to get some food." I tried my best to ignore her words, and let sleep overtake me. "I don't know about you but I could really go for some Chinese." I heard her pause, and I knew she was trying to say something to get a reaction out of me. "BBQ? Italian?" The last one almost got me but I resisted. "Soul food? Pussy?"

Ariana let out a surprised giggle when I hurriedly sat up. Our faces inches apart, and gazes locked. "You know I'm always down for a taste of you."

Lips split in a gorgeous grin, Ariana wrapped her arms around my neck and brought me in for a slow, lingering, beautifully sloppy kiss. I felt my shoulders loosen up when her tongue softly clashed with mine. Honestly, I was way too tired for sex, but just having her in my arms, close and intimate like this was enough for me.

When air became a problem she pulled back, face flushed and breathe slightly altered. "Yeah, there's no pussy on the menu tonight, but we are having pizza."

"That'll have to do I guess." I sighed in play disappointment. When Ariana moved off of me and tried to help me up, I winced in pain as it felt like my torso was being ripped open. "Fuck, give me a second."

Immediately she was on her knees in front of me, hands cradling my cheeks and worry apparent in her large eyes. "What's wrong?"

I knew by tomorrow morning the wound would be healed and completely gone, and I really didn't want to make her worry; So I just had to make sure she didn't see my stomach before then. "Nothing big, I stretched my body out earlier, and I think I may have pulled something."

"Yeah, and I'm completely straight." She scoffed.

Pushing past my shocked look, Ariana continued to speak. "Every news outlet in LA is speaking on the insane fight between the two speedsters that destroyed a couple million dollars worth of property downtown," Damn, even though Savitar failed to kill me I guess Bruce definitely still would. "And I don't know about you, but I think it's awfully coincidental that right after you finish fighting Savitar you suddenly pull a muscle from something as mediocre as stretching."

My hand rubbed across the back of my neck in a nervous habit, and I avoided all eye contact with the girl in front of me. "Well, I mean, Savitar might have gotten in a lucky hit or two."

Before she could even utter her next words, I was laying down and rolling over. She hummed in thanks, before rolling the edge of my sweatshirt up until the entirety of my gash was in view. "A fucking lucky hit or two? He almost ripped you in half, babe!"

Weird ass ending, but TBC!

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