Camila the Speedy Genius!

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Previously on Running Home to You...

My hand rubbed across the back of my neck in a nervous habit, and I avoided all eye contact with the girl in front of me. "Well, I mean, Savitar might have gotten in a lucky hit or two."

Before she could even utter her next words, I was laying down and rolling over. She hummed in thanks, before rolling the edge of my sweatshirt up until the entirety of my gash was in view. "A fucking lucky hit or two? He almost ripped you in half, babe!"

"Define ripped in half?" I sarcastically replied, moving back up into a sitting position as I fixed my shirt.

I furrowed my eyebrows at the completely unimpressed look on Ari's face, only for her to run her finger across the crease on my forehead. She hated when I bunched them up like that. "Baby, I'm serious. Maybe instead of going to get food, you should go see Mila." I opened my mouth, but she was faster than me - which doesn't happen often. One of the reasons I love her. - "No protests, okay?"

"Fine," I sighed out. Ariana had an uncanny ability to make me obey every single whim she had. At times I was sure that she had the super power of mind control, but everyone else just said I was whipped. They were probably right. "Kiss for the road?"

She shook her head, giggling and backing up as I tried to press my lips on hers. "Nah, you'll get a kiss when your body isn't held together by a thread." I sped up every molecule in my body till the point that they were no longer tangible, and then I moved forward so Ariana fell through me unto the couch and I was back on my feet. "Y/n!" Her voice took on a childish quality. "I told you I hate it when you do that."

"And I wanted a goodbye kiss. Guess the world doesn't work the way we want it to."

Her face was expressionless as she rose off of the couch, dusted herself, and started heading to the door. "I'll make sure to tell you the same when you're practicing celibacy for a month."

I moved in front of her in milliseconds, blocking her path out of the door. "Hey, I was kidding."

"I know, baby." Giggling, she wrapped her arms around my waist, leaning her forehead against my chest. She swayed our bodies gently, the only sounds breaking the silence being that of our breaths. "I love you, Speedy." When she spoke, her words were slow and languid; betraying the sleep that was pulling away at her mind.

I put my hands at the sides of her neck, letting my thumbs rest against her chin as I lifted her face. Placing a soft kiss against her forehead, nose, and finally her lips, I lovingly grinned at the content and happy smile she had gracing her lips. "I love you too, Ari."

"Now," She breathed, a yawn breaking through her sentence. "Go ahead and get to Camila's. I don't want you next to me in bed tonight unless she says your fine ass is healthy." She punctuated her words by gripping and then slapping one of my butt cheeks.

"I don't know why you're making such a fuss. I heal in like seconds compared to everyone else."

Rolling her eyes, she pulled away from me. "Then Mila shouldn't have to spend more than a few minutes checking everything out." Pecking my lips one last time, Ariana moved towards the door.

A voice, that sounded suspiciously like Scott's, called down the hall. "Ariana, where are you? I'm hungry. Let's go."

"I'll see you at home, Speedy. Be safe!" The door shut behind her after her last words, and with a resigned sigh, I realized that I would have to start the short yet exhausting run to Camila's place.

Aka. Star Labs.


I called out Camila's name again, making sure I was directly in her face as I spoke. Her soft snores came to an abrupt halt as she all but jumped off of the stool she was on in alarm. "I didn't eat all of the bacon, Ma!"

I practically fell over laughing. The wound in my stomach all but ripping apart as my muscles flexed from overuse. It was the pain of laughing for too long, and being stabbed earlier in the same spot that made me calm down. "If there was bacon I have no doubt that you ate every last slice of it."

Realizing that I was in the room with her, Camila was hugging me and back to her seat all within a second, thanks to the power of super-speed. Even though she was also a speedster, she rarely fought crime with me. She preferred to stay in the lab and use her bio-chemistry, chemical and mechanical engineering, and neuro-psychology degrees to make sure I stayed in tip top shape.

"What can I do for you, Y/n? It's like one in the morning, and I know Ariana had a show today. I thought you would be at home making post-concert babies or something."

"Ha!" I snorted, moving over to the hospital type bed and pulling off my shirt. "I wish. Ariana wouldn't let me do anything until I got checked out."

Camila grabbed a few tools, that I probably couldn't pronounce the names for, and started to gently prod and take a closer look at my wound. "This is actually pretty intense though. What happened?"

"Savitar." I shrugged, immediately regretting the movement when it stretched the gash. "I finally tagged his ass though. So It's all cool."

"Most cutthroat game of tag that I've ever seen." She mumbled, sliding an abnormally gigantic needle into the left side of my neck, and thrusting my right forearm into a circular tube. "Okay, you know the deal. Vibrate this arm, thus triggering the speed force to be contained in here." She laid a hand affectionately against the tube my arm was in, stroking it like it was more of a drowsy puppy than a humming monster of a machine. "Which then travels through the spectral inhibitor here, and runs all the way down into this multiplier which then uses the needle to put triple the amount of speed force back into your body. Which gives us instant heals."

Her unneeded explanation reminded me of a token cartoon villain giving one of those long-winded monologues about world domination. Honestly though, with the ease that Camila built this machine that could literally manipulate the speed force into healing fatal wounds in milliseconds... Yeah. She was probably the only person alive who deserved to have a takeover the world speech.

A chill ran down my spine when I started speeding up my arm, and I knew it was because of the high dose of speed force that was being injected into my body.

Chancing a glance down at my torso, I watched as the irritated, torn, and swollen skin around my gash gradually mended itself, it's color and puffiness fading back to normal with each passing second.

It was a slightly euphoric feeling. The only way I could describe it was like a mini-orgasm that continually buzzed at the back of brain and all the way up and down my spine. The only downside was literally feeling my skin attach again, cell by cell, but I tried my best to ignore that.

"And you are all healed." The dull hum of the machine faded, and I felt the blood rush to my head at the look on Camila's face. "All healed and, as usual, very... Excited." Placing my palms over my crotch, I hurriedly stood up. "Hey, I'm not judging. All that speed force healing pleasure can cause natural reactions in the body. In my case, moisture of the vaginal canal, and for you an erection."

It felt like my head exploded. Just hearing those words come from the mouth of a woman who, in most meanings of the word, was like a sister to me. Yeah, that was my cue to go. "I'll see you tomorrow, Mila."

"Probably not. From the look of that boner you're rocking, I'm thinking both you and Ariana are going to be too tired to do much tomorrow."

With a flick of my middle finger, I sped out of the room, Camila's laughter following me through the door.

I was gonna keep going, but I got stuck and needed to get something out to you guys🤷🏾‍♀️ Till next time.

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