Rick Grimes Love Story

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Hey everyone! So I deleted my other story and started this one instead because I think it's a lot better. Tell me what you think! Hope you enjoy!! :) Oh and this is going to be my own little story so the events might not be the same as the show :)

Emily's POV
I never thought my life would end up like this. I don't have my family with me anymore and I don't know if my friends are still alive. I remember seeing my parents being eaten by the walkers and the fear in their eyes said it all. My dad's last words were, "Go out the door and keep running! Find a place where you're safe and promise me you'll do your best to stay alive! We love you and we'll be watching over you" and then he got bit. He screamed so loud and my mom's scream just made it worse for me to hear. I kept telling myself that it was all a nightmare and I would wake up and go downstairs to eat breakfast with my family but I haven't woken up yet and I hope this is all a long dream that I'm having in a coma. My 14 year old brother and 8 year old sister died, I think. I didn't see them ever since I ran out of my house and I'm still mad at myself for not checking if they were still alive but my house was full of walkers and my fear took over my body so I ran for my life. I found a house where there aren't any walkers and a pharmacy is near by. Its been good but I'm so alone all the time, I think I'm getting severely depressed and I don't know what to do. The photo album in my backpack is the only thing that has made me smile. There's this picture of me and my parents at the beach and we all look so happy and carefree. I wish I could go back to that day and relive it all. I'm getting pretty hungry so I'm going to go for a hunt, I always bring my backpack with me in case I don't make it back home. I went to this forest where I always find my deers, I spot one from a distance and get a smile on my face. I was about to aim at it with my gun when I heard a man's voice.
"Look at that Daryl! Use your crossbow so it won't make noise"
I hid behind a big tree so they wouldn't see me but I stepped on a branch which caused them to stop and look around. I could feel them getting closer to me so I jumped out and screamed "Please don't shoot me!!"
A guy with long, greasy hair shot the deer and looked at me.
"Are you bit?" A guy with a sherif uniform asked.
"No, I was just out here to hunt and have some dinner tonight" I said
"How many walkers have you killed?" The sherif said.
"Um, I don't keep count but I'm guessing about 48?" I said
"And are you alone?" The sherif said
"Yeah, my parents got bit and I don't know where my siblings are." I said
"Okay, well I'm Rick Grimes and this is Daryl Dixon, we were hunting and came across this deer, sorry if we stole your dinner" Rick said with a chuckle
"I'm Emily and it's okay about the deer. Hey, where do you guys live?"
"We live in Hershel's farm, why the question?" Rick said
"Well I was just wondering if I could stick around with you guys. I've been looking for a group but I haven't had any luck." I said
I saw Rick turn around to Daryl and they talked with their eyes which was pretty amusing to watch.
"Well that's asking for a lot these days." Rick said
"I know, but I won't put your families lives at risk. I'll try my best to help you keep everyone safe and hopefully you'll earn my trust."
There was a silence in between all of us until Daryl broke it.
"You sure you're not dangerous?" He said
"No, I swear! Everybody's life is already bad because of this apocalypse, why would I want to make it worse?" I said
"Okay, you're in. But if you try to hurt anyone, there will be some consequences." Rick said.
"I promise I won't do any harm to anyone." I said and Rick just smiled at me.
His eyes were so blue and his lips were so thick and pink, his wife or girlfriend is so lucky. Daryl is pretty hot too to be honest.
We all walked back to the car and I sat in the backseat while Rick was driving and Daryl was on the passenger seat. They were talking about how a girl named Beth tried committing suicide and I was just listening to them without saying a word and for once, I felt safe.

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