pain of being in love

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Shyra (pov) :

Sitting at beach lonely nd feeling the fate that changes in few minutes as the dawn comes..... I know there is no right for me to hold and solve the trouble that caused as the blink of eyes but there is little hope that the prayers I had prayed till now will bring trust of him nd given a second chance to me......

As the dawn raises I prayed my morning prayer nd it's the first time I didn't ask God anything to grant my wish but left on time to see a bright of Sunshine in my life ... After that I went to hut where those people caged me in the name of peace nd will of God but I don't feel anything as Im numb as a stone without  any feelings... It's my fate that trust of wealthy had got me here. As I went inside that cage I was continuously reminded the pain of him that broke his heart in pieces of glass without unintentionally known to me nd I lost my trust but not hope...

' oh ho shyra what happened now,you like the brightness of Sunshine,see I brought u here which is so near to u ND me ' Aslar says with lust in his eyes nd evil smirk by broking my thoughts..

' yes , Aslar thank u so much u brought me here without me asking only where brightness of Sunshine increase as the dawn but never left without giving peace to my haert ' I said with calm voice wheather it was breaking my heart more nd with the red puffed eyes which were lagging to see only one person ....

' make her pay the single pain of broken glass I don't care who she is to me ' Aslar odered his people by fuming with anger nd left ...

As he left me the words that stab a heart  more r said to me without hurting physically but with mentally nd which can weaken a weak heart more... It the cruel world I got to known now.... As they continue their talks calling ' mistress  or have to slept with na-mehram' . ' o sry I think u r pregnant as u were in relationship without marrying a man ' they continued asking me questions....

I know I love a person who is na-mehram' to me  but that doesn't mean ur own family or trusted people have the right to ask such disgusting words to torture a person nd by assuming it  as it's a bad sin to love someone  whether they had known u all ur life also.....

As they left after torturing mentally I don't have any strength to breath also nd to relief from that...

I thought about asyar the beat of my heart  nd the memories that lessen the pain of stabbed heart where tears had no control as a ocean...

With breathing hardly I stuttered          ' a...asyar were y ok nd plz trust me ' as  the time passes I felt the pain increasing nd my mind is not working properly as the thoughts of him replays on my curtains of eyes....

' ... love ....y..ou..' I said hardly I don't know what's happening with me as the black shadow forms infornt of eyes with only one thought nd call of my beat of heart the one ND only one love of my life 'asyar'.......


Assalamualaikum guys ...

It's my new story plz vote nd comment .......

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