❂Fucking Lies||Chapter 2❂

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Bakugou P.O.V.

The sloshing sound of the pouring rain echoed throughout all the town. It seemed as if it had no intention of stopping anytime soon as the two teens walked the streets under that colourful umbrella.
The coughing of the brunette was the only sound between the two.
His red orbs observating her from the side. He had noticed how she had quickly hidden something in her pocket, but decided not to ask.

His thoughts were bringing him somewhere else. The blonde was lost into his head, thinking about his training, his grades and how he'll beat everyone up next time.
Well, what can you expect from the explosion king Bakugou?
Then his thoughts went back to what happened during the day. Katsuki had sure noticed how his classmate, Uraraka, had kept glancing at him every now and then.
Also how she seemed to get sick every time.

That was strange though, why would she only start to cough in his presence or when she looked at him?
This kind of got his attention.
Well, this girl in general was all over his mind.
Such a fragile looking being, yet such a strong will. He sure couldn't say he wasn't interested in Ochako.
No no no, he had to stop thinking about that girl. In his path to becoming the number 1 there was no space for romance, or was there?

From the corner of his eyes he saw something that made him snap out of thought immediately.
Although the image wasn't clear, he knew he had to be quick.
Dropping the umbrella, his arms wrapped around the body of his classmate, preventing Ochako from hitting the concrete.
"The fuck Roundface, you should pay attention at least!" Katsuki practically yelled at her.
Though Uraraka didn't seem to response, her big brown eyes staying shut.

Right then he remembered. At lunch she didn't seem to touch food, the boy had noticed, and then trained without a break for several hours.
Right now he wanted to slap her.
Seriously?! She should have taken care of herself better than that.
Well now wasn't the time to scream as Ochako seemed to be waking up.
"W-what happened?" she asked in a whisper. At first confusion build up on her face, though it quickly was exchanged by a redness after noticing how close the two were.

With her now weak hands, the brunette tried to push Bakugou away, failing miserably.
His eyebrow rose. Was she seriously trying to push him away in that state?
Both were getting settled by the rain and the blonde sure didn't like that.
After an annoyed huff, he swiftly got up, dragging Uraraka with him.
She tried to put her feet back on the ground but...
"Come on, your so dumb that you even managed to fucking hurt your ankle?", He spat out, "God, you really are useless"

The girl's expression seemed to darken, and Katsuki sure noticed.
It kind of hurt him, to see her like that, also knowing that it was only his fault.
In a split second, Uraraka found herself on his back, before he got the umbrella and started to walk again.
"H-hey wait! Let me down, I-I'm way to h-heavy for you to carry me" she almost screamed in his ears.
She may not have seen it but there was a little smirk on his face.

"Just shut up, you're not heavy, besides your slow as fuck anyways so you'll only slow me down even more" Bakugou answered.
Well, he was being nice, wasn't he? Strange for someone like him.
As the girl seemed to relax on his shoulders, he felt a little wave of happiness.
"But don't get too comfy, this is the first and last time this happens, understand?" he practically shouted, more to convince himself than her.

Time passed fairly quickly, as soon they arrived at Ochako's place.
He arrived at the door before letting her off of his back.
The girl bowed and thanked him several times.
"Yeah whatever" the blonde turned around and started to walk away.
"By the way, If anyone at school comes to hear this, you can consider yourself dead." he threatened, as always when he did so, sparks came out of his palm trying to scare Uraraka.

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