Ch. 4 (The Switch)

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{Chapter Four}

I sat at the edge of the extremely fancy bath tub. How could this be? How could he have known... Wait, what if he was just kidding and said I was Bell and not Anna just to tease me, but that would have been sick wouldn't it? No, no, then he would have continued kissing me and say he was joking or something.

I held my head in between my hands, I was unsure of what to do next, shoud I have called Anna and let her know that the gig was off and that Alfie knew I wasn't her? Or should I just ride it out and go on living with him for 3 months like strangers in the same house? No, maybe I should just keep it to myself, Anna is doin her thing right now... I should just stick with it.

All this thinking suddenly made me feel uncomfortable wearing this dress, it made me feel... Not me.

I walked over the other side of the bathroom where the master closet was, luckily in the hurry of wanting to escape to the bathroom I grabbed my luggage and enclosed myself in the bathroom. I didn't want to come out of here, I felt embarrassed and weird. I had been kissing him and showing him my secret spot of joy! Wait, how long did Alfie know about this? Was he playing along this whole time, pretending that I was Anna when in reality he knew I wasn't?

I suddenly became so was frustrated, getting out of Anna's dress was certainly not made to be taken off alone. I had the urge to call Alfie to help me out of this dress but that would have been so awkward and inappropriate. So I tried my best to make my arms as flexible as I could, almost getting a cramp on both my shoulders, i never knew you could even get a crap on a shoulder! I was finally able to slip out of the dress and change into... Oh my god...

I oped the luggage and when I found the pjs, I wasn't so sure Anna was fully aware of the kind of things made guys... should I say, 'excited.'

I took out silky black short shorts and a very revealing black tank top. The material screamed for me to wear a bra and regular underwear because, let me tell you, if I didn't, I'd be showing off everything!

I digged around the luggage to see if she had put anything more... Appropriate. Unfortunately, I had 4 pairs of the same silky material pjs, just different colors, red, lavender, Sky blue and white...

Who the hell wears white silky pjs!? That's a death wish for me! These are practically see through!

Whatever, I'm just going to have to stick with the black ones.

I looked at myself through a large wall mirror, my hair had fallen from it's up due and had fallen to the side of my shoulder. I never realized that my hair had grown, really long, and really black. I didn't like black but... I was kinda getting use to it, but then again I was so use to wearing my hair red, blue, pink, teal and basically all the colors of the rainbow. I think I kinda liked having normal hair for once, I've had different color hair for the longest time, I couldn't remember the last time my hair was completely black! To be honest, I liked it, it made me feel like a real punk. Not that there were such things a fake punks, or were there?

I turned around and slipped on some black slippers that I had found at the bottom of the luggage.

I walked to the door and stood right I front of it... Maybe I should just stay in here and sleep in the tub. I mean, the tub doesn't seems too uncomfortable...

F*ck! Just go outside and face it like a woman!

I took my last deep breath and walked outside, to my surprise I was alone in the room. I looked around the room and it was quite, the only difference was that the door was open. I walked over to the glass doors and stared at the little bits of sun rays the sun was giving off before it went down. This would have been so much better if I was me and not Anna.

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