Ch. 5 (The Switch)

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{Chapter Five}

Throughout the night I had slept like a baby, I didn't really feel anything other than my own weird dreams. They weren't about Alfie that's for sure, but they were about going to the beach. Last time I remember going to the beach was back home in England, I didn't live very far from the water, so every now and then my friends and I would channel our inner mermaid and swim until our fingers and toes became prumes,

Dreaming about being back home with my grandparents and friends seemed so heart warming and so me. But dreams aren't forever and there is a time where you need to walk up from your fantasies.

I felt suddenly uncomfortable, it was either because my back was so warm I felt caged in. Not to mention the beams of the light were shining right on my eyelids. So that wasn't fun and it hurt my eyes. I tried flipping myself over but it was oddly hard for me. I felt heavy? Was I still dreaming?

I didn't want to wake up because I still felt tired, and I had forgotten to take my makeup off so my eyes were sealed shut. As I was adjusting myself, finally, after struggling to turn around, I felt heat blow into my face. Was the heater on? Or was the room just really hot.

I didn't think much of the fact that Alfie had slept with me in the bed, In fact, I didn't even think about it until I heard a rough groan next to me. I made the most effort to open my eyes but the day old mascara and eyeliner weren't making it easy for me.

I flexed my face, making probably as many funny faces as I could to try to open my eyes the slightest bit. I hated falling asleep with my face paint on, i know it was so bad for your skin but sometimes, people don't have time to remove all that stuff off your face. Spending at least 20 minutes in the bathroom trying to take off your mascara and foundation was not something I was going to do last night. Who thinks of that when they're basically naked In front of a guy!? Not me!

After my many attempts in opening my eyes I finally did it, my face felt tired from the over exaggeration of facial movements I was doing just to get one eye half way open. At first my vision was blurry but little by little I began to see a figure, really, really close to me.

My head twitched back as I was trying to distinguish it. I was able to open both my eyes, fluttering them open quickly. Finally after rolling my eyes trying to clear them from all my eye boogers I saw Alfie. His face was inches from mine. Wait. His face was inches from mine! I looked at him and moved my head back, I looked up to see that his hand was resting on my waist, his heavy arm for that. That's why I was struggling to even move!

I tried scooting back but I felt his arm wrap around me pushing me towards him like I was some stuff animal in a child's hand!. I looked at him thinking he was awake and stared him down, but he wasn't budging.

"Alfie." I said poking him in the arm that was wrapped around me, that didn't work. "Alfie..." I said a little louder. All he did was was move closer to me.

I tried to push him away but it was like pushing a wall, he didn't even move when I tried pushing him, he had a grip of steel and to be frank, I was getting uncomfortable and my arm was starting to fall asleep.

"Alfie." I yelled his name out.

He flinched and began to make the funny faces I was making by trying to open one eye.

"MMM" he groaned.

That groan... Ugh! This makes my job so much harder to keep feelings out of this... Whatever this is.

"Alife... Can you let go of me." I demanded.

"Mm... It's to early for you and I start arguing. Wake me up again when you're not grumpy." He said In a groggy tone. God he sounded so hot right now.

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