May 4, 2002 (Death)

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Dear diary,
I absolutely hate the idea of losing someone, but then again if you don't then there's something wrong. (Or you're just numb) While death can bring good stories like zombies or werewolves, but in real life it's absolutely awful to know that they're not coming back. Animal deaths are even worse! Because their lives are short, we know it's going to happen then we get ready attached to them and then they croak. It's awful! But if you have enemies... Anyway, death can inspire many good things! Think about medicine and cancer treatments! Those are all because we are afraid of death, so we prolong it. But it inspired god didn't it? Yeah it did, but unfortunately we have absolutely no proof that he or any god/goddess actually exist. But death encourages people to make the most out of life! Yes, but that can put them in danger, and possibly make their death come sooner than they think. That's all for this entry, join us next time for a happier entry!
A.N.- I was going to write more, but I was both running out of ideas and was becoming a little depressed sorry

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