Chapter 15- Flight, Food, Fanservice

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"How good are you at staying in one place?" Jungkook asks me as we drag our small luggages through the airport.

"I'm not terrible, but I'm also not the greatest. I'll be next to, so I think I'll be entertained for a while, " I answer, linking our arms together and leaning my head on his shoulder. It was 3 in the morning, and our flight was going to be about 12 hours long. My outfit for the trip screams, " comfortable teenager." Oversized Nike hoodie, sweatpants, Timberlands, and a supreme cap to hide my major bed head. On the other hand, Jungkook is over here looking like a whole snack, as usual. Loose, blue dress shirt with pulled back cuffs, black, skinny jeans, and shiny, black shoes. Let me not forget his gold, round, thin-rimmed glasses. They make him look like an angel or hot as hell fire. Right now, it's hot as fuck.

It's too early for this shit.

I'm supposed to be sleeping right now. Ok, now I'm pissed off.

"Jungkook, where are we going?"

"To our plane, of course, " he answers, pulling me to an exit.

"But departure is that way, " I protest, trying to pull him the other way. I see him smile devilishly,

"Who said we were taking a regular plane?" I was going to question him until he opened the door to an open space with a small plane with very few people around it." Welcome to Jeon Expressway. It's my appa's business. Almost immediate takeoff and landing. System is quick and easy. And because it doesn't require much fuel and it's smaller, we can get to our destination at a more comfortable time. Also, because I'm the founder's son, I only had to pay for your ticket."

"Woah~ Cool! Come on, let's go!" I yell like a young child while pulling him to the aircraft in the distance. We get a quick security check before we're able to board. It was so nice on the inside! There were only 6 pairs of seats. The rest of the space was just open. There's a snack bar, refrigerator, and cabinets overflowing with snacks! The first thing I think to do is snap a picture and upload it to Instagram. Everything just seemed so clean and well put together. I felt rich just standing in the area. Jungkook had already taken his seat while I was going wild and stuffing my hoodie pocket with chocolates. Once satisfied with the amount, I take my place next to him.

"Saranghae, " I attempt to say with a mouthful. He smiles and kisses my full cheeks,

"Give me some." He reaches for my pocket, but I scoot away.

"Have legs. Use them and get your own."

"I also have a mouth. I can take some that way too. Wanna see?" He moves his face close to mine before I shove him away and throw chocolates at him.

"You nasty little-" He kisses all over my face."Kookie~" I whine, half-heartedly pushing him away, "You got your damn chocolate. Leave me alone."

"I didn't get my Mochi though." I cringe.

"Ew, no." He kisses me anyway and laughs,

"My Mochi," I smirk,

"What if Lucas wants me to be his Mochi too?" His expression goes dead serious,

"You are my Mochi, no one else's, got it? That bastard should die anyway." He mutters a whole bunch of other stuff making me giggle.

"Possessive much?"

"Possessive, overprotective. All of the above when it comes to you." My face warms at the comment. From there we sat in a comfortable silence while others boarded the plane, and I finished snacking on my smuggled chocolate. We eventually took off and sleep came chasing after me. After my slight sugar high was over, it finally grasped me. The last thing I feel in my consciousness is lips on mine.

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