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Sorry my first chapter is so short, but I couldn't think of a better way for this to go. At least I tried. 😉😊 Also, this contains spoilers for 'Lost Ninja' so you might want to read that before this book.

Nothing was good about today for Jay Walker. He was stuck in bed with a broken leg, and the power was out, so he couldn't do anything fun. All he had to do was count the minutes before dinner or take a nap.

Just as Jay was about to try and take a nap, he heard footsteps outside his door followed by a knock. "Come in." Jay said.

Cole and Nya entered to room, both smiling, like they had a surprise for him.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling?" Cole asked as he sat on Jay's bedside.

"Well, I feel better than when I first broke my leg." Jay said, remembering the events of his car crash.

"Well we got good news for you." Nya said. "Zane's making your favorite for dinner."

Jay was now extremely happy, he loved anything Zane cooked, but him making his favorite food was the best thing that could ever happen. They all must have still felt sorry that they didn't notice he was missing earlier that week until it was to late.

"And since the powers out, we found you a book to read." Cole said, trying to make it sound exciting, but it wasn't. But Jay still gave a smiled, even if he wasn't much of a reader, unless comic books counted.

Nya handed him a book that read 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' on the front. Jay remembered watching the movie with his parents dozens of times when he was a kid.

"Thanks," Jay said, and forced a smile. After all, they were just trying to keep him occupied while his leg healed.

"You're welcome." Nya said and kissed Jay's cheek, which made him blush madly.

"If you need us we'll be trying to turn the power back on. Don't go anywhere." Cole teases Jay as he and Nya left the room.

Jay groaned, first he broke his legs, now he was forced to read a book to keep himself entertained.

"Why did I have to get my leg broken in that crash?" Jay asked himself, still upset about the crash.

He sighed and began to read the book, and it wasn't actually that bad. But he heard a noise that made him stop reading.

For his view of the window, he could see a tornado approaching the temple. He tried to get up, but before he could try to get up all the way something hit him over the head. His eyes were closed and he was now completely unconscious.

The Wonderful Wizard of Ninjago Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang